Monday, July 5, 2021

I call her Kitty, she shows up.

I was staying at my brother's house and was on their porch by myself when this random cat showed up and jumped into my lap. That's how my sister-in-law found us. She explained that it was their neighbor's cat and was being neglected. She suggested that I take it home. I wasn't going to take somebody else's pet but a couple of weeks later my brother texted me saying that that neighbor's house had burned down and they had disappeared, leaving their cat behind. I showed up with my cat carrier and on a whim, just called out, “Here, kitty kitty!” and the cat came running. Her name is Meeps. She will sometimes answer that but when I call her Kitty, she shows up. I don't always put my cat in the dryer but when I do, I always use the “Fluff” setting.* *The only thing hurt in the making of this photo were my cat’s feelings when I removed her from this most excellent space she had found. I keep the dryer door closed now to prevent unauthorized entry.

Eventually she MAY enjoy playing with the kittens

 Eventually she MAY enjoy playing with the kittens (assuming you handled the introductions properly and gradually) but she's not going to behave like she did when she was your only cat. And once the new kittens become adult cats, there may be conflict between the 4 of them if there is limited territory (or a small house) or you've not managed the integration properly. Extra cat trees and cat shelves may help. Also neutering any males will help. (Spaying the females should be done but won't matter so far as the cats getting along. Female cats have the most conflict, spayed or not.)

Sadly, many lost dogs never find their way home.

 Sadly, many lost dogs never find their way home. And the longer they’re missing, the harder it is to stay positive. So, when Aisha Nieves had a chance encounter with her long-lost dog, she was shocked. She assumed she would never see him again, so it was like fate. Kovu, a Pit Bull/Rottweiler mix, escaped his yard two years ago after a vehicle ran into the home’s fence. He was soon adopted out to a different family, so Nieves was devastated. Once she was ready to adopt a new dog, that’s when she saw that Kovu was up for adoption again. She couldn’t wait to share a beautiful reunion with the canine!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Why are you letting an intact male cat roam?

 Why are you letting an intact male cat roam? The world doesn’t need more homeless kittens, and a cat roaming on his own is liable to be killed by cars, predators, or people. Yes, if your cat is still alive, he may find his way home, but you need to get both your female and male fixed! Why would you want your female to have kittens? Have you ever been to an animal shelter? If you cannot afford to get your pets fixed, which is your responsibility by the way, look into low-cost options or make a payment arrangement with your vet. Neutering also prevents cancers later in life and extends a cats lifespan.

You need to think about what you did that upset the cat for him to react that way, and not do it again.

 You need to think about what you did that upset the cat for him to react that way, and not do it again. Every human has boundaries and things that upset us, sometimes for reasons others don't understand. We expect our loved ones to respect our boundaries, and cats are no different. Learn what went wrong and focus on being the best cat owner you can be. Don't punish Kitty. She didn't do anything wrong, he just expressed herself the only way she knew how. Learning each other's boundaries and respecting them can lead to a beautiful relationship with an unbreakable Bond between you and your pet.

It’s when an individual competing as a “Kitten” moves to the “Adult” or “Alter” class

 In the Cat Fancy - 8 months. It’s when an individual competing as a “Kitten” moves to the “Adult” or “Alter” class (cats can be shown if they are spayed or neutered, unlike dogs). Full maturity really depends on the breed. Like the difference between an 18 year old adult and a 30 year old adult human. They’re both “adults”, but one is a lot more mature than the other. Cats can get pregnant much sooner than that. Boys can get a girl pregnant as early as 4 months. We *try* to keep girls from having babies before their 1st birthday; but there are medical reasons why that might have to happen sooner, but it’s never ideal. You really, REALLY need to get your cat spayed or neutered by 3 months at the latest, if you don’t want to have kittens running around. If your vet gives you some line about “having a heat first” or other BS - RUN AWAY and find another vet!!! Someone who went to vet school some time this century!!!

Probably the wild animals are already being cautious and a bit nervous about leaving their usual haunts for populated areas.

 Probably the wild animals are already being cautious and a bit nervous about leaving their usual haunts for populated areas. It is the cats’ and dogs’ territory and the wild ones know that they are interlopers. As to the size difference, more experienced wild animals may not be afraid of cats or dogs, but most don’t want to take on any animal ready to defend its turf. It’s usually not worth the risk of even a small injury when you have no medical care. As to size, most humans will leap out of the way when a rat or other vermin runs at them. Some of us will even run from a big cockroach and they don’t bite!