Monday, July 12, 2021

It’s my life it’s now or never Jon Bon Jovi thank you for the memories signature shirt

We installed a portable ramp to wheel her in and out of the house for her medical appointments. Of course, all of this took place during the pandemic. We had to respect all of the protocols entering and leaving a medical facility.

She blissfully slept on the day of her operation. A long, thin plate and 13 screws brought her bones back together. (There are multiple x-rays of similar metal inserts found on Google images.). As long as she kept still, she felt less pain. Gradually, the pain lessened and we observed that some of it came from the pressure of the splint / cast rather than break or operation itself. Loosening the splint, icing it, and anti-inflammatories helped to keep the pain down.

She began physical therapy in the middle of April. By the end of May she was walking with a limp and driving locally. Her ankle is sore at the end of the day and she still ices it. Her friend who broke an ankle 2+ years ago said it took her about a year before she felt completely back to normal.

The above is the long answer. The short answer is no, the surgery was not as painful as the initial break. Both have to be managed, and allowance has to be made for the fact that healing will take time. (I am speaking of the ankle, and not the foot, which is designed intricately with many bones). Thank you.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The anxiety you are experiencing is due more to the fear of change and your reluctance to make a decision that will bring about a great change in your life

 The anxiety you are experiencing is due more to the fear of change and your reluctance to make a decision that will bring about a great change in your life. In reality there is no danger. Make your decision with the knowledge that there is nothing to be afraid of whatever you decide. And that change is never easy. I do believe in an unseen world, but most dreams are not omens, rather they are your sleeping brain trying to resolve the feelings and challenges you meet in your daily life. Your dream may just be offering you a solution to your indecision and a reassurance from your brain that everything will be alright.

I think this is the point of the dream.

 I think this is the point of the dream. This is what your brain has concluded. If you take this job, although you may feel scared about how the change will affect your life, you also realize that in reality your terror is unfounded and everything will most likely be alright. Your mind is offering you a solution to your indecision and a reassurance that everything will be alright. The fact that you were so scared at the beginning of the dream and by the end of the dream you had realized that your fear was unfounded sends this message.

Do you want this job? For what reason?

 Do you want this job? For what reason? The imagery in the dream is obvious. You are in a strange, new place. You are not comfortable in this strange place. This says to me that you, like many of us, resist change. It can be scary and uncomfortable. I barely move, I feel disgusted. You feel paralyzed at the thought of making this decision. Maybe you are disgusted at yourself for not being able to figure it out or take advantage of an opportunity that you need regardless of whether or not you want to do this job. Or maybe the job itself is something that you find distasteful. Some ants crawled on my hand but didn't attack me.

Another condition that you can pick up is something called impetigo

 Another condition that you can pick up is something called impetigo. That is a bacterial infection that can be the result of a scratch although there are many ways to catch it. It's most often caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (called staph) or Streptococcus pyogenes (called group A strep). Impetigo is much more common in children, but adults can get it too. It's more common in the summer months. The bacteria may be already located on your skin (this is common among our bodily bacterial flora) and the scratch simply helps it to get introduced to our tissues. Symptoms include red, itchy sores that break open and leak a clear fluid or pus for a few days. Not trying to scare you, I’m just saying that if you should get these scratches it is not a bad idea to put some kind of a mild disinfectant on them.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I delete the posts I delete your books Trump shirt

If their misbehavior is simply not paying attention and not doing any work, then many teachers, myself included, will, eventually, quit going the extra mile for them and let them dig their own hole. It usually takes me about three months to get to that point with a student. That’s also how long our report card periods are. If a student quits trying in my class, I’ll do my best to get them back on board before their report card comes out. But if the report card goes home and shows that they’re failing, and they or their parents still don’t seem to care, then I adjust my level of concern to match theirs. 

This usually happens to about four students per year. Some of them never cared before I was their teacher, and continue not caring afterwards. Others change mid-year. That change is usually puberty-related and you just have to let them grow out of it. But, for most students who misbehave, the problem isn’t the slacking off and its impact on their grades… the problem is the distraction their behaviors cause to their classmates. You can’t just “let a student dig their own hole” is, while digging it, they distract their classmates and pull them into the hole too. 

I am fortunate that I teach at a private school where the bar for “misbehavior” is much lower than at public schools, and I have a lot more leeway than my public school counterparts in dealing with misbehaviors. That is, I’m allowed to kick a student out of class for a period without any paperwork. That’s usually the second step I take if a student is being disruptive. Step one is a warning. Step two is to tell them to leave the room.

Defend support Law Police shirt

Of course, there were also a number that moved away from tribal communities in early adulthood, particularly to work in urban areas, but they were still tribal members. And yes, they are found on tribal rolls. For many tribes, the BIA took censuses on a constant basis. Prior to 1924, most Natives were not US citizens and were considered like wards of the state. They were highly tracked in federal records.