Friday, July 23, 2021

Anyway, you want to know just one weird quirk.

 Anyway, you want to know just one weird quirk. So I’d say that would be our cat Spartacus. We love him dearly, but he has, well, quirks (no wonder he was returned to the non-profit pet adoption place so many times). First and foremost, he has abandonment issues, which for him had been a self perpetuating problem—though for us, he’s a keeper. And some people think that is weird, as they don’t understand why we would want to have a cat like that.

Also, he throws up about five times a week

 Also, he throws up about five times a week. So we have an arsenal of cheap paper towels, disposable gloves, and white vinegar available for cleanup. No medical cause can be determined. But the vet probably hasn’t done a thorough workup, because it takes an act of God to even get him to the animal clinic (see reason below). Not to mention what it takes in the exam room. Those vets and techs are saints, I have to say.

Podxmas-It’s not the years honey it’s the mileage dr henry jones shirt

 Artillery was deadly because it could fire shrapnel at troops in the open, or high explosive at those under cover, or gas and smoke rounds. It could fire from prepared positions far behind the lines: the 18-pounder shown above could fire 8.4 kg (18 lb) of explosives to a distance of 6 kilometres, or up to 10 km with special ammunition. It could fire 20 rounds per minute, though in practice such a rapid rate of fire would quickly use up all available ammunition, so was reserved for emergencies.

On the attack, artillery would smother and smash the enemy trenches. By the end of the war the Allies had perfected the creeping barrage, under which each gun in a battery would slightly elevate its barrel after each shot, in order to create a wall of explosions which would move across the enemy front line at walking speed, with the attacking soldiers following closely behind it. Longer-range artillery would meanwhile hit enemy communications lines, ammunition and supply dumps, artillery, and reinforcements concentration areas far behind the lines.

Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt

Buy here:     Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt 

Codices are thought to have been invented somewhere in the Roman Empire in the first century. — around the time that the first Christian cults arrived on the scene. It would be very fortunate for a cult because a codex with its hard covers was much tougher than a scroll. That would be good for a cult leader who often found it necessary to flee from one town to another! In addition, it would be easier for random access. That means you could easily go to any page you wanted in the text — unlike a scroll which you’d first need to unwind carefully while you searched.

  Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt

Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves you beyond measure I pray he blesses you today with love the person in front of you shirt

Buy here:    Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves you beyond measure I pray he blesses you today with love the person in front of you shirt 

Earlier books were continuous scrolls that were stored rolled up. To this day, scrolls are used in Jewish religious ceremonies. Their remains are found in ancient ruins. Some of the Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves you beyond measure I pray he blesses you today with love the person in front of you shirt most famous are the Dead Sea Scrolls (discovered — naturally enough —in caves near the Dead Sea in the 1940s), and scrolls scorched by the eruption of Vesuvius when it destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii.

  Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves you beyond measure I pray he blesses you today with love the person in front of you shirt  

Interpolating Bible verses and Christian hymns, and frequently backed by a church organ and choir, the album suggests a bold new direction for the now-father of four

 West, with "Jesus Is King" and "Jesus Is Born," dramatically veered away from the kinds of songs that made him famous and toward Christian hip-hop. In a review of "Jesus Is King," USA TODAY's Patrick Ryan said it was "West's riskiest effort yet." "Here, he completely abandons his provocative rhymes about fame, women and mental health, and potentially alienates longtime fans with chaste lyrics about God, heaven and staying on the straight and narrow," Ryan wrote. "Interpolating Bible verses and Christian hymns, and frequently backed by a church organ and choir, the album suggests a bold new direction for the now-father of four."

I introduced my cat of eight years to a sick (cancer) cat that I had seen and known from a clowder and she was not happy to say the least.

 I introduced my cat of eight years to a sick (cancer) cat that I had seen and known from a clowder and she was not happy to say the least. The outdoor cat at 13 was a toughie and Mia is strictly indoors so when Mia hissed the toughie slapped her nose, hard! Mia was upset from the beginning even though I did all the usual things to get them together, separated for a time and trained the interloper not to attack my Mia. It simply did not work but I loved the sick cat, Zoe, and when she had to be put down I mourned and am still lost due to this tragedy. Mia is thrilled and has become the nicest cat ever so I guess that is my answer, Mia could have done without the company! Years ago I had four cats born in my home and kept their mom as well, there was no problem there at all. Family.