Monday, July 26, 2021

Personalxmas-Snoopy and Woodstock I want to be a nice person but everyone is just so stupid shirt

 The sport im going for is swimming because at the 2000 Sydney Olympics a young lad from Equatorial Guinea by the name of Eric Moussambani won a gold medal after his competitors had false starts leaving only him left in the race,and if you saw that performance which was reminiscent of a crippled snail slowly drowning you would know that anything is possible so that’s my strategy basically. -Hire someone in the crowd close to the pool to play audio of a “starters pistol being fired” loudly enough to fool my opponents into misraking it for the actual starters pistol and therefore jumping the gun (no pun intended) and getting disqualified leaving only me left in the race and at that point i will jump in the pool and take a slow one on my way to that G.O.L.D baby Yes. The IOC is corrupt, but the bribes they receive are only a drop in the ocean compared to the total loss suffered by a host. The corruption of the hosts, politicians and businessmen , usually manifested in grossly inflated construction projects building the venues ( stadiums, roads, villages) cost billions and adds to the total loss far more than the few million paid the IOC crooks, who are bought off very cheaply. In addition, there are unavoidable legitimate costs that have become necessary. Security is one. In this age of terrorism, the Olympics are a prime target ,ever since Munich in 1972. A massive security infrastructure must be implemented

Baseball-Surgical tech love what you do shirt

If he does so, it would be great as we will have 3 doubles teams. Maybe Rohan and Sania can make amends for Rio 2016. Gracenote’s final prediction (07/20/2021) is a whopping 19 medals for team India (Virtual Medal Table - Gracenote). My final thoughts, on the 18th of July, 2021, are that most of the prep is done. The contingent has been supported far better than ever before. This is not like the years gone by; money has been invested and talent has been nurtured. We have seen just how the quotas have been earned. ALL THAT REMAINS IS EACH COMPETITOR FROM TEAM INDIA PERFORMS TO HIS/HER BEST!!!! No more excuses of pressure (every Olympian has to go through it). Manage it and give your best. Only covid related disqualifications can derail the best ever Indian Olympics ever. We have over a dozen legitimate medal contenders and we should earn no fewer than 5 and as many as 29 medals. Will India finally deliver? Hopefully the Games go on and we find out. Good luck to Team India as well every legitimate Indian sports supporter! Original Question: You have to pick an Olympic sport and train for one full year with the goal of not coming last in the competition. What sport do you choose and what is your training strategy?

Wechampstore-Cat I knead you shirt

 Also , for the sailing events, where it is difficult to see the competition from the seats, they were preparing a large screen to make the experience as if you were sailing alongside them on a cruise ship. The developers are disappointed that these technologies will not be used as the stands are now unmanned. There are an incredible number of opponents of the Olympics in Japan, plus a series of scandals, including a musician who bragged about abusing the handicapped and is in charge of the opening ceremony. Toyota has announced that it will stop distributing advertisements. Toyota had produced a TV commercial specifically for the Olympics, but decided not to use it. The Tokyo Olympics will be held in August, the hottest month in Japan, due to the broadcasting schedule of NBC, USA. In some stadiums, school children are invited to watch soccer games. Of course, here, they were banned from bringing in drinks other than those made by the sponsor, Coca-Cola products, but furthermore, the amount of such drinks was also limited in the name of counter-terrorism, which has caused controversy. I don’t watch very much at all and I never regret it. Tell me, how much of the Olympic games do you remember?

Teerocknroll-Snoopy you’re about as pleasant as an itchy butthole shirt

It shouldn’t matter much. The continuation of the Pro League and tours should help update us on the teams’ progress. Shooting- Anyone with some know how of Indian Olympic sports knows that this is the big one, the breakout that we all wanted. Although a sport shooting medal is not of the same merit as a freestyle wresting or athletics or badminton medal, a medal is a medal. The NRAI has overseen the youth takeover with exceptional performances at major competitions and a genuine feeling of a medal haul unlike before. In the past, most Indian shooters barring a few like Bindra and co would earn their quotas at inferior competitions or through their world ranking. In this cycle, they have done so after beating world class competition (the same they will face in Tokyo). The 4 World Cups in 2019 saw around 19 Gold medals, which was simply stunning! Prediction wise, almost all the Indoor disciplines ae primed while the Outdoor ones are still lagging hard and will likely return medal-less.

Birthday-Snoopy and Woodstock I want to be a nice person but everyone is just so stupid shirt

 Edit 1: Badminton India got a harsh awakening. Only 4 qualified. Should have focused on creating a stable of great players and not just relying on a few stalwarts. India’s uniqueness in having certain sports played exclusively by certain states (Badminton by Andhra, combat sports by Haryana & NE) is a great detriment to is sporting progress. We shall see what our players can do. Not much info to gauge their performances as there have been no tournaments for a while now. Boxing- If you look at the run up to the 2016 Olympics and the results, having sent only 3 boxers, you would be astonished to know how well some of our boxers have fared since then. This Olympic cycle has seen a U-turn. The support team is really well funded now, with a good coach Mr. Kuttapa, a high performance director Mr. Nieva, govt assistance and better coaching. We earned 9 quotas in 2020 (in the Asian qualifier) and should have earned more had the IOA not decided to scrap the world qualifier in June. I expect a much better performance and hopefully, medals borne out of them.

Podxmas-Horror We used to smile and then we worked at AT&T shirt

 India predicted to have bumper harvest in Tokyo – 17 medals including four gold (Above is taken from wiki and my medal predictions for the Best/Median/Worst cases) Archery:- Best case would be 3 medals, which seems preposterous given not a single medal from this discipline has materialized in the past and most of our archers have wilted under pressure. But this is an event where a hot archer can get a medal. Worst case would be 0, obviously. The men’s team earned the Silver and a quota at a very difficult competition- the 2019 World Championships. The women failed to make the QF and earn a team spot; I am hoping they can get the job done in the World Qualifiers in June 2021.

If they don’t have a mental meltdown due to “pressure” like seen in the past two Olympics and Asian Games, then 2 hard fought medals, one each in the men’s team and the mixed team is what I predict. The women’s team as well as all the individuals CAN get a medal, it’s just that they haven’t performed at such a stage yet. The South Korean women might be invincible, but their men are not. The Chinese and Dutch will be formidable, while other nations like Russia, Mexico, Japan etc. will not make things easy. The addition of mixed team events can be a amplifier not just in archery but other events like shooting. Together, they can support each other and make up for mistakes better.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Kid’s Hand Print School Keepsake T Shirt

Others like Tejinder Toor, who are certain to qualify through their world ranking, will do really well to qualify for the final of their event. The relay teams, all 3, don’t elicit a lot of excitement as there hasn’t been progress and around 5 or so countries have better athletes. Hoping Jinson Johnson can qualify as he did really well in the 2019 season; same for Tejaswin Shankar and Seema Punia. Some big publicity names like Dutte Chand will likely not even qualify. And I hope the athletics coach Galina knows what she is doing- making Hima Das run the 100m and 200m?! Hoping that is to help with her 400m top end speed. The race walkers and marathoners will likely end up medal-less so I am expecting PRs. Let’s see how many qualify and how they qualify, throughout this athletics season. Edit 1: Neeraj Chopra’s chances of getting Gold have dipped hard due to a stunning season by Vetter, who is throwing over 92m consistently. Much more importantly, Neeraj only now got a visa to compete in some international events and thus wasn’t able to improve from 88m. India’s second wave led to many Indian sportsmen being barred. Let’s hope Neeraj can throw in some competitions and break 90m before the Olympics. **This will be a crucial stage and we have to see if Neeraj can hit 88m again, before late July, which will show he is peaked and can at least hit PBs, if not 90m**. He threw fine distances in the 3 competitions since mid June. Hoping he can compete at the London Diamond League.