Tuesday, July 27, 2021

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AMERICA (singular) according to several European languages. Check the maps from the articles thumbnails. ALWAYS the entire New World. Surely there is some internet streaming available. I would think an internet search would be able to point you in the right direction, in particular the BBC might have something more broad than US centric coverage. If you’re watching televised coverage (NBC) in the United States, you’re going to get a lot of US coverage because…well…that’s what the US audience is interested in. The Olympic coverage is not put forth for altruistic purposes. It’s a media event that sells commercial air time, and the only way to charge those rates is to keep eyes on the broadcast. And how do we accomplish that? With backstories on the athletes coupled with their competitive events. Olympic coverage in the US is a lot like news coverage. https://baseball-aholic.com/shop/snoopy-my-four-moods-i-need-coffee-i-need-a-nap-i-need-a-vacation-i-need-duct-tape-rope-and-shovel-shirt/

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No, it represented everything. The new country were the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA while the rest were the SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE AND FRENCH AND BRITISH COLONIES OF AMERICA. All the while, South and North America were considered SUB DIVISIONS of the New World, of America. Notice that ALL European languages show AMERICA as either being the entire New World or the Continent of America. Except English. Again, New World being considered one or two continents is a matter of historical and cultural perspective. Continents are NOT a scientific concept. Plate tectonics are a scientific concept. But regardless of the number of continents, AMERICA, singular, is still used to describe the WHOLE New World, since the very word America was described. (ps: Amerigo Vespucci never even explored the lands of the USA. So it’s ironic the country claiming to be the only place called “America” is in theory the least suited to be called that.)

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Vespucci wrote the name for the New World over BRAZIL’S NORTHEAST, since that was the region explored by Vespucci. The name quickly got popular. And the WHOLE NEW WORLD was called America. Now, continents are POLITICAL AND CULTURAL entities. They do not follow AT ALL plate tectonics. Otherwise Europe and Asia would be the same continent (Eurasia is accepted, but it’s hardly used outside of specific contexts.) And India and Saudi Arabia would be different continents, not Asia. And for a long time even English speakers called the New World as AMERICA. The naming of USA itself reflects that originally. It’s United States of AMERICA, United States of the New World. When founded, AMERICA did not represent ONLY the united ex british colonies.

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For many of them another delay might have ruined their chance to be an Olympian. Because of history. When Europe discovered the landmasses to the west, it called the entirety of it “NEW WORLD”. Columbus thought it was Asia. But there was this guy called AMERIGO VESPUCCI, who explored the southern part of the New World, while on service of Portugal. Amerigo Vespucci basically proved the New World was NOT Asia, like Columbus thought, but a whole new continent. A few years later, German Cartographer Waldsemuller made the first maps showing the New World as it’s own continent. And as it’s own continent, it would follow the same naming convention (feminine) as Asia, Africa and Europa: AMERICA, in honor of Amerigo. https://birthdayshirtsidea.com/product/snoopy-my-four-moods-i-need-coffee-i-need-a-nap-i-need-a-vacation-i-need-duct-tape-rope-and-shovel-shirt/

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I like other sports such as football, where, for example, no really knew who was going to win Copa América this year until my country Argentina defeated Brazil 1–0 in Rio de Janeiro. It was a disputed final. The same with Euro 2020 Final, it was exciting, England started winning, Italy tied and won by penalty kicks. Other sports are not that changing and surprising and I find them predictable and boring. I am a little tired of the almost exclusively American focus of NBC's primetime coverage. I watch the Olympics because they are international. The high point of the first night was the unexpected win of the Tunisian swimmer. However, I am still following the Olympics about as much as I normally do. A lot of people feel the Olympics should have been delayed another year though, and they are putting Japan especially at unnecessary risk. That is an entirely valid concern, but it is not the athletes' fault that the decision was made not to wait another year.

How much time do you have

 How much time do you have! I trained my Cat, Pooter, to come to a whistle (Poot’s Whistle)! In fact, I used it last night to bring my Pomeranian (Lola) into the house for pills! She joined the family the year I lost Pooter, however, I used Poot’s Whistle to call the Cats (Itty Bitty and Mischief) for dinner, I guess she learned from them!!! When I first taught Pooter he was a feral Kitten, when I got to work I did the whistle as I got their food ready! I got to bring him home when he was about 5 months old, he answered to that whistle for 16 years! I trained my Mom to answer it when we were shopping!


Good grief! Overreact much?

 Good grief! Overreact much? You found a cat in your backyard and because you are scared of something a tenth your weight and you have allergies, you want ‘get rid of him’? I hope this asinine comment is a cruel joke. LEAVE HIM ALONE! He can’t hurt you. I have SEVERE allergies, a lung disease, and I am on oxygen! Cats, many of them, mark the perimeters of my yard DAILY. They have NEVER harmed me in any way! They disappear if they see me, even a field away! Your feelings are insensitive and illogical. If you didn’t like children and one was in your yard, would you call child patrol or spray them? If you are that terrified, call a humane shelter with a TNR program. This will probably be a waste of time for everyone because the cat will disappear again.
