Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Podxmas-Mitch Haniger Mitch-a-Palooza live baseball seattle shirt

 Those are just the ones in my collection. I’m sure there are many more. Actually, those will probably make you cry, too, so maybe I’m not helping! 1. It's not all about enlightenment. Many who found Buddhism in the 60s saw nirvana as the ultimate peak experience.   A decade later these recovering hippies were painfully finding out that Buddhism is more concerned with reshaping character and behaviour than big, mystical experiences. Younger Buddhists are often more fired by social action than mysticism. 2. It doesn't focus on monks. In most Asian countries Buddhist monks are the real practitioners, focusing on meditation and study while lay people support them. Distinctions between monks and lay people does not fit in with modern society and western monastic orders are relatively scarce.   Non-monastic practitioners are often very serious and they power the various Buddhist movements. 3. Tibetan Buddhism has baggage.Tibetan lamas arriving in the 1970s seemed to fulfil our Shangri-La fantasies. But, along with inspiration and wisdom, they also brought sectarian disputes, shamanism, the "reincarnate lama" (tulku) system, tantric practices and deep conservatism

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The kitty on the couch is my Tas

 The kitty on the couch is my Tas. When sitting up, they were twins. Their only difference was eye color. Getty’s were bright gold, but Tas’ eyes were a green the color of peridots. But anyway, since I couldn’t get down into the woods, he apparently felt that I didn’t care because he never came to visit me again. I saw him around for another year or two before he disappeared forever. He was only about five years old when he disappeared. My Tas developed diabetes and passed away at the age of 14. I still mourn the loss of these two special “buds”.

Take him out where he can run, after 10 minutes he will be calm

 Take him out where he can run, after 10 minutes he will be calm. Rescued a trained greyhound once. The dog was so high strung that after four days I was becoming high strung from just being around the dog. I thought for a while that I was unable to help this dog. Was superbly leash trained so on the fifth day I took a 20 ft rope and leashed Hanah. I had a friend hold the end of the rope and ride on the back of my motorcycle. Hanah followed perfectly. Long story short, after 2 miles at 35 mph when we got back she was a 100% different dog. Started taking her to the open park close by every day. She was so good off leash and would come when called excellently that I would simply let her run and run for about 5 minutes, which was about two miles. She would come back to me even without calling and was the perfect dog. After a week or so she could go a couple of days without her fix and after 6 months only needed a run about twice a week. Your situation is probably very different but the moral of the story is that a high energy dog needs exercise and a lot of it. Good luck.

Yes, they do know, but if your dog’s friend died away from home, say at the vet’s office, your dog will not know that

 Yes, they do know, but if your dog’s friend died away from home, say at the vet’s office, your dog will not know that. So as soon as he got to HIS friend’s house, he ran to look for his buddy. So he definitely knows his friend is “gone” he may not connect that with death. Dogs do understand death, which is why we have our dogs go to the long sleep at our house. Then the housemates get a chance to see that their housemate has passed and they will miss them but they know what happened. Of course you wouldn’t really expect to have a non-related group of friends do that, but just explaining that, not having seen his friend dead, he just knows he is gone. He will be OK with it, just give him a little time to get used to the new one.

After I got home, I took the path into the woods hoping to find Getty

 After I got home, I took the path into the woods hoping to find Getty. I called and called as I walked, but he didn’t come. At that time of day, he may have given up and gone home for his supper. I was so disappointed that he couldn’t be found that evening. I really think that he’d made himself a new home in the woods across from his family’s house and wanted to show it to me. Who knows?

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The C02 produced by an Olympics should be a target for reduction. Countries like Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia could also combine on a regular basis so the games is still moved around the World but the costs shared amongst them. Florida, Costa Rica, Bermuda and Jamaica could offer a similar arrangement. I think the cost of a City Games is too high and a different method for raising money be applied. It’s a return on investment and often a guarantee of future funding. Winning a boatload of medals is considered a good thing for international prestige. For example, Great Britain has enjoyed a lot of success in cycling over recent times. Keep winning medals and the money rolls in. We even built a velodrome in Manchester ‘to develop the sport’, which also serves as a training facility for the cyclists. Sports that failed to hit their targets have their funding reduced or cut altogether.

Personalxmas-Wings For my dad in heaven I hide my tear when I say your name but the pain is my Heart shirt

The networks know their target demographic and broadcast accordingly. “News” in America is not focused much on what’s happening across the globe, and U.S. Olympic coverage doesn’t broadcast anything that’s not a good story (e.g., the opening round of table tennis between Togo and Croatia probably wouldn’t be a substantive draw). It was Sydney, Athens, Beijing, London, Rio, Toyko and then it will be Paris, Los Angeles, and Brisbane, so I guess maybe some countries in Africa should co-host the 2036 Summer Olympic Games. In future it would be better for several mediterranean countries to host the games permanently as the Greek Games and for those countries to build site specific arenas for athletics, sailing, canoeing ,soccer, tennis and rugby sevens.