Monday, August 9, 2021

Birthdayshirtsidea- Senior 2022 mom could I be any prouder shirt

 As social networking becomes more well-liked accompanied by older and younger generations, sites such as Facebook and YouTube gradually undermine the traditionally authoritative voices of news media. For example, American citizens contest media coverage of various social and embassy goings-on as they look fit, inserting their voices into the narratives very nearly America's following and present and shaping their own cumulative memories. An example of this is the public explosion of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida. News media coverage of the incident was minimal until social media users made the tally recognizable through their constant exposure to air of the case.

Podxmas-Our love will just get stronger shirt

 Their documentary-style narratives, detailed exposs, and their positions in the present make them prime sources for public memory. Specifically, news media journalists have shaped comprehensive memory upon nearly every major national event-from the deaths of social and political figures to the expansion of political hopefuls. Journalists manage to pay for enlarge descriptions of commemorative happenings in U.S. archives and contemporary well-liked cultural sensations. Many Americans learn the significance of historical happenings and political issues through news media, as they are presented upon popular news stations. However, journalistic upset has grown less important, whereas social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, pay for a constant supply of interchange news sources for users.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Quite simply it means that your cat thinks the world of you

 Quite simply it means that your cat thinks the world of you. Cats sleep where they feel safe. Not only is your cat warm (or if air conditioned or has a fan on in summer, then cool) but it has you to guard and protect it. It is relying on ancient cat colony instinct. You may have noticed that your cat’s head is likely facing a different direction from yours when it lay down. That’s because it trusts you to sleep like a cat and be aroused at any suspicious sound. Let’s say it’s resting facing left. You are facing right, or perhaps you are on your back facing the ceiling and it may be looking left, right, or straight out from the bottom of the bed. In the cat world it is trusting you, in our scenario, to detect any noises or any predators coming towards both of you from the right, while it guards you from the left. It totally trusts you to ward off danger to keep it safe, while at the safe time getting the kind of comfortable sleep it desires.

You are fortunate enough to have a cat that has bonded with you and is willing to trust you with its safety and its life

 You are fortunate enough to have a cat that has bonded with you and is willing to trust you with its safety and its life. Having said all of the above, yes, the sleeping pattern is ancient but Peach and I sleep beside each other and, yes, we face different directions, but Peach must feel totally secure and believe that no vicious monster predators will smash our window or throw open our door to get in to eat him. He knows that I could sleep soundly if bombs were being dropped and he, himself, can sleep through thunderstorms, both of us on the bed to comfort and sustain the other. It’s the thought that counts. Oh, and deep down, Peach knows that if a vicious predator did break in and violate our sleep that he’d be outta there in a flash and leave me to contend with that predator.

Your cat needs to see a vet and have her ears cleaned and treated professionally

 Your cat needs to see a vet and have her ears cleaned and treated professionally. If the ear-mite infection is as bad as you describe, the vet will give you meds and instructions that you need to follow until your cat’s infestation is successfully treated. It’s not a big deal and you can easily do that at home (administer whatever drops or medications the vet prescribes). But you need to do it and help your cat, because she is unable to get rid of ear mites on her own. YOU need to help her, and the vet will provide you with everything you need. It’s also not expensive, at least not here where I live. For the cost of a hamburger or two, your cat will be free of irritating, itchy parasites that invade her ears and if untreated, the ear-mite infestation may seriously damage her health/hearing. Your cat may end up deaf if untreated, and I’m sure you don’t want that.

Your cat is territorial, like most cats are.

 Your cat is territorial, like most cats are. A new kitten is an unwelcome intruder in your cat’s mind. Therefore, you should ease their anxiety and introduce them gradually. All their initial encounters should be supervised BY YOU. Please, there’s tons of instructions on this topic here on Quora. Just enter “introducing two cats” in a household in the “search Quora” box (up there on the right side of the screen), and you’ll find all answers you need and all tricks you can use to speed up the process. But with cats, it always takes (at least some) time. Do not neglect your cat (that is the first-comer) on the account of the new kitten. With cats it’s the “first come - first served” rule. Do not deprive your “up to recently only cat” of any of his/her privileges, the new kitten -as adorable as it surely is- must adapt and find its place in a new home. And respect the authority of those who were there before him/her. Cats usually do that without too much help or interference from their humans. Just follow the rules, pay attention and intervene only when it’s absolutely necessary.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

That’s what I do I play synths and I forget things shirt

 Frankly, I find it outright bizarre, like I want to explore this topic with some smart social psychologist or something. Why did the liberal-sphere feel the need to become so outraged? Kathy blamed Trump but it was liberals who canceled her. I have the feeling that there was this unspoken/unconscious group consensus to sacrifice one of their own to gain the moral high ground so that later they could attack Trump from a higher vantage point? That is the only way this makes sense to me. So all these people just sort of go along with being outraged against her. It’s weird. All of the Conjuring Universe! The ratings were for the amount of terror. And the story lines are pretty violent and mature. So I’m glad you’re watching with your parents. My folks were the same way. I never understood the logic that violence is more acceptable for an adolescent to see than sex.