Tuesday, July 20, 2021

I understand you are probably upset because you need to be in on these types of decisions.

 I understand you are probably upset because you need to be in on these types of decisions. That’s fair. But just this once, I would urge you to take a breath and first find out what the cat’s story was. If she brought it home, it needs a home. I doubt she stole it. Your girlfriend may need a little creature to dote on. Pets give us a type of love and relationship that humans can’t. Give the kitty a chance. You will be saving its life. And there are lots of people who thought they didn’t like cats until they had one. It will grow on you. Give the little thing a chance.


It is not possible to have too many cat trees from a cat’s point of view

 It is not possible to have too many cat trees from a cat’s point of view, but for people the aesthetics matter more, of course. Ideally, put some shelves up on the walls where the cat tree offers access to them. Most cats find this arrangement simply enchanting and it gives them some exercise getting up and down too. Try reading Jackson Galaxy’s fabulous book, Total Cat Mojo, especially the parts about ‘catification’ of the home. I think all cat owners should have to read this book, as it’s beyond excellent.


Definitely NOT a flea collar! Those things are poisonous and can kill your cat!

 Definitely NOT a flea collar! Those things are poisonous and can kill your cat! Also, avoid any flea treatment that is sold in drug stores. It’s pure crap! The only treatment that I can strongly suggest is a prescription topical flea solution. You will only be able to get this through your vet. I use Revolution on my cats (applied once a month), and it works perfectly. No fleas! It’s expensive, but it works! And, in today’s society, you get what you pay for. Don’t skimp on flea medicine. Your cat depends on you for its diet and health decisions. Your cat is worth it!


Wechampstore-It’s okay if the only thing you do today is breathe your life matters shirt

 Trump is a fool and his fan base are bigger fools. He claims we have vaccines due to his efforts and he took the vaccine even after he had covid. For him to say his followers don’t want the vaccine because of Biden negates his claim to be remembered in any association with vaccine development, and makes his base look stupid for not realizing that for themselves. The pandemic should not be a political free for all with opposing sides. The unvaccinated are the ones who make up the most of those who are now getting the virus, and dying. Those who recover are regretful and trying to make amends for their opinions being a factor in their loved ones not being vaccinated. They found out the hard way. You mean the traitor … Kevin? What a spineless POS… who begged the president to take action, during the insurrection, who now denies an insurrection ever took place. Yes, he does have to lick Trump’s boots because he is a pathetic little wearing.


Baseball-Skateboard Vintage retro shirt

The hardcore Trump supporters beleive he has a divine right to rule over them, they dont beleive in the constitution or democracy or the ideas the US was founded upon, they believe that Trump is king and that any action that is intended to work towards that is a good action by default, it cant be terrorism if its in support of Trump, it can only be a case of the righteous fighting against evil.

So NO, they absolutely dont care that she committed crimes as they beleive the laws that say that trump supporters cant over throw and election are what is wrong not people breaking them, she isnt a domestic terrorist she is a freedom fighter, and to trump supporters treason means “goes against Trump” it does NOT mean “goes against the USA and what it stands for”, as for QAnon, I refer you back to the christians and all the bullshit stories they beleive from the bible, believing in Qanon to a trump supporter is no different than believing in the biblical flood for a christian, reality doesnt need to be involved.


Teerocknroll-Stitch touch me and I will bite you shirt

 Trump supporters don't believe this. The media wants you to believe we believe this. So that when August arrives and Trump isn't in office they can say we're angry and feel cheated, call us idiots for ever believing that. Its because they are terrified of the information that is coming out and want to start preparing people for what they are going to hear, with their spin of course.

Look at the other answers, it works, they all just assume they're the brilliant ones and think Trump supporters are stupid, but they just believe exactly what the propaganda machine tells them and parrot it back out instead of actually verifying anything. The left and the news are the only people who are saying it. Have you heard Trump say it? Have you heard anyone besides Mike Lindell say it? Many people say it should happen, but everyone knows that there isn't a protocol for that to happen. When the election audit results start coming out, as we have already started to see, if it proves that Trump was the actual winner, that leaves us with where to go next.


Birthdayshirtsidea-Snoopy and woodstock fly me to the moon let me play among the stars shirt

 I’m sure there are. Likely tens of thousands. Many Republicans have left the party because of the words and actions of President Trump. At the same time, many Democrats have left the Democrat Party because of the actions of the Harris-Biden Administration and the problems it is causing. Many people have joined both parties, as well ince the election.

People constantly change parties. Many people I know do this with pretty great regularity as they get disgusted with politicians or the some action the party is encouraging. Until there is an election, it really doesn’t matter much in any significant manner. In the interest of full disclosure, I am not a Republican nor a Democrat.
