Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Teerocknroll-Stitch touch me and I will bite you shirt

 Trump supporters don't believe this. The media wants you to believe we believe this. So that when August arrives and Trump isn't in office they can say we're angry and feel cheated, call us idiots for ever believing that. Its because they are terrified of the information that is coming out and want to start preparing people for what they are going to hear, with their spin of course.

Look at the other answers, it works, they all just assume they're the brilliant ones and think Trump supporters are stupid, but they just believe exactly what the propaganda machine tells them and parrot it back out instead of actually verifying anything. The left and the news are the only people who are saying it. Have you heard Trump say it? Have you heard anyone besides Mike Lindell say it? Many people say it should happen, but everyone knows that there isn't a protocol for that to happen. When the election audit results start coming out, as we have already started to see, if it proves that Trump was the actual winner, that leaves us with where to go next.


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