Wednesday, July 28, 2021

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Persia and Rome became superpowers in their day because they had powerful armies and sophisticated bureaucracy to manage power projection over a large territory. World War II brought an end to imperialism and its worldwide destruction left just the U.S. with a functioning economy and a huge military tasked with tamping down the embers of renewed warfare in Europe and Asia. The problem is that without the financial advantage of being able to colonize and exploit beyond our borders, there isn’t much of an incentive to being a superpower any longer. As Gen. Colin Powell pointed out in his famous “Pottery Barn” analogy: “If you break it, you bought it.” Being a superpower, as we’ve seen recently in the Middle   East, and Asia, is a huge net loss of blood and treasure with only an illusion of power as the payoff. Being a superpower has lost its allure for sane countries who have spun off their colonies and focused their energies domestically rather than the losing proposition of offshore operations. There is only one superpower in the world because nobody else wants the job.

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