Wednesday, July 21, 2021

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I saw Buck emerging from the mountains and just about cried. I'm always elated to see him because he's such a cool old horse and great friend to Gandalf, but today it was extra special. All I found in the south range were remnants of what used to be. It was like ghosts of horses kept appearing and bringing back all these memories of times spent there that will now never be repeated. It's just shit. As I was heading out I almost couldn't believe my eyes when slowly emerging from the depths of the desert was Evander.

 Bless his heart. The photo below is from today. With rain beginning to fall from an an otherwise sunny sky, Evander led his little black gelding to water. He lost his two cremello ladies, but once again he came through as a savior for this little domestic horse. He saved him the first time when he was dumped by his owner on the range after being shoed and gelded and has protected him ever since. And now he's saved him again. Saved him from the mouth of that trap which took his girls and continues to watch over him after the dust has settled.

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I always fit Leopard brand seals when i overhaul the rear axles of pre-70s Mustangs. When you fit Leopard, you have done it right. Available now at all good spare parts retailers. There may be one in your town. Why not call Jenny on our 24/7 hotline- 1800- 88788798 Yes Leopard makes only Purrrrfect parts for your car. Support made in America products. I have seen salmon “swim” across water no more than two inches deep. It is very unlikely that they would try to spawn in another stream. If low water is a problem for one stream it is going to be a problem for all the streams in the area, and I think what would happen is the salmon would just spawn as far up the stream as they could get, even if conditions were not optimal.

 These are not reasoning beings, they are fish and do not have the necessary brain power to override their instincts. In short they are kind of programmed to do what they are supposed to do when it comes time to breed. About the only options they seem to have are : Go to where you were born, and If you can’t get there spawn as close to that spot as possible. That is about all that they can do. Different studies use different methods. Both of the ways you have mentioned are used in epidemiological studies. There are many variables in epidemiological studies and the variables often have to be narrowed down to get meaningful results.

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 The Suez Canal Company established in 1858 with 44 % of its shares owned by Egypt, rest owned by French investors. Digging the Canal started in 1859 and ended in 1869, perfectly 10 years’ hard work in a harsh environment with minimum accommodating conditions that resulted in the death of more than 100,000 Egyptians in this decade-long project (See the picture). The commissioning of the Company stated that Egypt provides 4/5 th of the needed Labor necessary to dig the Canal. The main condition signed by both the Egyptian/French owners stated that the Company runs the Canal for 99 years after which the Canal is totally run/owned by the Egyptians. During that century-long functioning of the Canal, Egypt would earn only 15 % of the net profit!!!! As you see, in 1956 Egyptian nationalization of the Canal; there was only 13 years for the full return of the Company to Egyptian ownership.

Nasser offered compensation for the foreign sharers but even this did not please the French/British governments. Both secretly, without consulting the new rising Superpower, USA, decided to attack Egypt to regain full control of the Company. Israel was invited to share in the attack to save as much possible of numbers of French/British infantry needed to land along the 360 Km-long Canal’s course. Then it was the War that both the French/British adversaries won military wise, but failed to harvest that violent success politically.

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Buy here:  Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt 

Many instructors will con their students and often even themselves, into believing that their art is “too deadly” for combat sports and that they would easily kill (for example) the top MMA fighters in a “real fight”. On this forum, this tendency with practitioners of many different styles and systems, but that excuse is most prevalent with Wing Chun practitioners, at least in my observation and interactions.

Below is a video of Joe Rogan interviewing former Navy SEAL Jocko Willink. Both are very experienced martial artists and Willink in particular has extensive practical experience in real combat. While both prefer BJJ as a realistic martial art for self defense and real combat, both stress the importance of both grappling and striking skills. And in this video, both give intelligent reasoning of why this is important.

  Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt See more:

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Buy here:  Skateboarding is a crime not an Olympic sport shirt 

Cricket is the most popular sport in our country. Cricket during Colonial India was an aristocratic sport which was played by wealthy Britishers. Naturally, the Brahmins and other upper castes took a liking to the sport.

Till the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a Bombay-Madras Brahmin lobby that dominated cricket. Only after BCCI expanded it’s outreach program to rural areas, we started to see talents like Dhoni emerge from small towns. India’s performances in matches improved once we started selecting players based on their talent and not because they are Brahmin.

  Skateboarding is a crime not an Olympic sport shirt See more:  Birthdayshirtidea

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Unfortunately, Kim Jong Un could still start a war fairly easily. Bordering both China and Russia, with South Korea and Japan on standby, you can be sure that if a world war does break out, this will likely be a staging ground. Countless scenarios could take place, from a nuclear launch to an accidental border penetration. Anything can happen, but I believe that if a world war were to break out, it would start in one of these three places. Countless scenarios can lead to war, but I stand behind what I describe above. Feel free to share your predictions. “More than 75 years after V-E Day—the German surrender on May 8, 1945, that ended the physical fighting on the Western Front in World War II—myths and misconceptions about the war remain. TIME asked the Senior Historian at the National World War II Museum, Rob Citino, which myths he has spent the most time debunking in his career as a professor of military history and author of 10 books. “Historians owe it to the millions of people who participated in this event, and unfortunately, the millions of people who died in World War II, to delve as deeply as possible into why this all happened,” he says. “Often when you delve into the why, you bump into those myths of history. When you try to dig as deeply as possible, you’ll often peel back the layers that you did not even suspect were there.” Here, Citino explains, in his own words, the five biggest myths he sees: Myth: President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor in advance

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

First, my deepest sympathy on the passing of your beloved kitty

 First, my deepest sympathy on the passing of your beloved kitty. Next, do not feel guilt about wanting another kitty so soon. You are clearly an animal person and want a little 4 legged companion to give your love to. Go to a rescue or a shelter and ask about the kitty that’s been there the longest, that is waiting for it’s forever home. See if you and that kitty get along and save a life! This new kitty will be devoted to you for its life and you can fill the hole you feel from missing your kitty that passed. Everyone is different, some people want to wait, some want a new furry friend right away, that sounds like you. Think of saving this kitty who has been waiting so long for a home as honoring the life of your other kitty in that you give the new kitty a chance for love and care. Just remember to keep your new kitty indoor only and if it’s not spayed or neutered yet, have that done too; and be sure to take it to the vet to keep it healthy and happy. Go find your new best four-legged friend!