Saturday, July 24, 2021

Baseball -The Bel-air bunch shirt

This time, it is way, way different. I can count several who will not be going to Tokyo to vacation but with serious intent. Neeraj Chopra seems the only legit candidate and even he is somewhat a dark horse because of his competition. He may throw over 90m by August but around 8 or so have done so as well. All 3 Germans can throw well over 90m; Vetter will be favourite to win Gold but he can be inconsistent; Rohler and Hoffman are 92+m throwers too. A few others like Yego can throw big too. Even with all this taken into account, hoping for a medal from Neeraj is a prediction I share as well. Unless Kamalpreet Kaur is found to be on PEDs, she is a favourite to at least make the finals of the discus throw (women). If she throws less than 60m in qualifying, then she was on juice when she threw over 66m. I am sorely hoping that wasn’t the case or that she is at least not caught. A few others like M. Sreeshankar, Annu Rani and Avinash Sable seem dark horses, more so than Neeraj. If Sree jumps around 8.35m to 8.40m, then a Bronze is not out of the question. If Annu can somehow speed up her run up & refine her technique, she can throw over 66m, maybe earning a Bronze. Avinash will likely smash the 3000m SC national record again and I hope for a sub 8min 10sec time. If the middle distance event turns into a slow final, then they stand a chance to nick a medal. Very difficult to do so but stranger things have happened. I think the late June events held in India to help athletes qualify will be key to assess the readiness of the medal contenders and dark horses.

Wechamp-Jarren Duran hungry like the wolf shirt

If they don’t have a mental meltdown due to “pressure” like seen in the past two Olympics and Asian Games, then 2 hard fought medals, one each in the men’s team and the mixed team is what I predict. The women’s team as well as all the individuals CAN get a medal, it’s just that they haven’t performed at such a stage yet. The South Korean women might be invincible, but their men are not. The Chinese and Dutch will be formidable, while other nations like Russia, Mexico, Japan etc. will not make things easy. The addition of mixed team events can be a amplifier not just in archery but other events like shooting. Together, they can support each other and make up for mistakes better. Edit 1: After a dismal display by the women’s archery team at the final qualification tournament in Paris, only Deepika Kumari will go to Tokyo, along with the men. Medal expectations from her in the individual tournament are limited but maybe she can spring a surprise in the mixed team. Prediction tweaked somewhat. Athletics:- Here’s hoping we earn our first (and more) medal from the cornerstone discipline of the Olympics. There are a ton of actual athletes this time that any other in recent memory. In the past, I remember seeing the Olympic qualification mark being broken just before the Games, either through doping or by going to a high altitude city like Almaty, then a placement like 25 or 32 at the Olympics, nowhere near their Personal Best. I have seen long jumpers, triple jumpers, throwers, middle distance athletes and others do this. 

Teerock-When i dunk my cookies in my milk I think of you and hold them under until the bubbles stop shirt

Even a big fat zero is not out of the question, as almost every single country is fighting for every medal they earn. I’ll look at every single discipline where India is expected to perform and although I will pray for magic from Fencing (please Bhavani), Judo, Swimming, Table Tennis etc., they won’t be the focus. Time for something that makes that Mahabharat look like a tweet. This is from Gracenote (an external firm that has been good at calculating Olympic success per country and per event for the past two Games) and the Indian Express and seems to corroborate the even path that I had laid out months ago. We’ll see what Gracenote’s final prediction is in late July. (Above is taken from wiki and my medal predictions for the Best/Median/Worst cases) Archery:- Best case would be 3 medals, which seems preposterous given not a single medal from this discipline has materialized in the past and most of our archers have wilted under pressure. But this is an event where a hot archer can get a medal. Worst case would be 0, obviously. The men’s team earned the Silver and a quota at a very difficult competition- the 2019 World Championships. The women failed to make the QF and earn a team spot; I am hoping they can get the job done in the World Qualifiers in June 2021.

Birthday-Fred Warner all pro fred San Francisco 49ers shirt

TLDR- Expectations would be PBs (Personal Best) and PRs (Personal Record) from all who participate, but this is quite difficult as peaking at the right time is always a challenge. Should it happen, we should see over a dozen medals. Absolute best case seems to be around 25 to 30 medals which seems absolutely, stupidly, insanely dumb but that’s why I call it the best case; this is if everything goes right for the Indian contingent and everything wrong happens for their opposition (such as covid disqualifications or injuries, which I don’t wish on anyone). Form, injuries, draws, weather etc will play a role. Worst case is 0 medals as I have to account for a total breakdown, especially mentally, that we have seen in the past from our Indian representatives. What could be considered a “realistic” prediction based on analysis of every discipline, from archery to wrestling, is around 8 to 15 medals. This takes into account how they have won their quotas- whether a last minute event or against world class opposition. The worst case would be a repeat of Rio 2016, with just 2 or 3 medals.

Podxmas-Jarren Duran hungry like the wolf shirt

 TLDR- Expectations would be PBs (Personal Best) and PRs (Personal Record) from all who participate, but this is quite difficult as peaking at the right time is always a challenge. Should it happen, we should see over a dozen medals. Absolute best case seems to be around 25 to 30 medals which seems absolutely, stupidly, insanely dumb but that’s why I call it the best case; this is if everything goes right for the Indian contingent and everything wrong happens for their opposition (such as covid disqualifications or injuries, which I don’t wish on anyone). Form, injuries, draws, weather etc will play a role. Worst case is 0 medals as I have to account for a total breakdown, especially mentally, that we have seen in the past from our Indian representatives. What could be considered a “realistic” prediction based on analysis of every discipline, from archery to wrestling, is around 8 to 15 medals. This takes into account how they have won their quotas- whether a last minute event or against world class opposition. The worst case would be a repeat of Rio 2016, with just 2 or 3 medals.

Friday, July 23, 2021

There are also herbal “alternatives”.

 There are also herbal “alternatives”. Over 45 years of keeping cats has shown me beyond a doubt that the herbal products are pretty much a waste of money, but as I and my cats have always lived in a densely populated part of London it may just be that they’re not good enough where I live but perhaps they’ll be effective enough in more rural areas where cat population densities are far lower.

Well, we have a number of those! I mean weird quirks.

 Well, we have a number of those! I mean weird quirks. I think most of them have to do with our cats, clutter, and furniture that looks like we’re college students. And we’re retired and in our 60s. (All that said, some people say we have a cool place.) Oh, and our carpeting is shredded, as is much of the upholstery. The reason for that will become clear as you read on.