Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Dogs often use to bring some other dogs down to prove their superiority over the other dog naturally in a pack.

 Dogs often use to bring some other dogs down to prove their superiority over the other dog naturally in a pack. Just like a kingdom is incomplete without a king, so is a dog pack without a pack leader. This choosing of pack leader does not only depend on the dogs pinning on each other but also on several other factors like scent territories that each dog has, the dog.s anatomy, strength, respect and fear in the group, etc. Dogs cannot communicate using barking sounds, the maximum thing that is induced from barking is the stat of the dog if he is excited, angry, or nervous. They do not have a specific dog language either. So dogs sometimes bark or induce manners like oral and physical gestures when they are confused or when they want the other dog to state something that they feel can be undetermined by them

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   So, what would happen if the last superpower collapses under its own weight? The United Nations was formed from the rubble of WWII in an attempt to form an international forum of equal and united nations tasked with communally finding solutions to the world’s challenges without the need for imperial overlords and their powerful armies.   The problem was we didn’t trust the system and formed the Security Council staffed by the victorious superpowers of the time - US, UK, France, Russia, and China with veto power over other nations and the sole power of international offensive actions. Because the U.S. is the last standing superpower it has attempted to dominate the UN resulting in a deadlock of resentment and distrust. Perhaps if there no longer was a superpower then the UN could be reorganized to become the democratic union of equal nations peacefully sharing power and assistance to the less powerful?   It’s a globalized world and it is time to start acting like one. I don’t think that John Denver song has anything to do with John Lennon. If you’re interested in songs about John Lennon, try Paul McCartney’s “Here Today”, George Harrison’s “All Those Years Ago”, Elton John’s “Empty Garden”, Queen’s “Life Is Real”, and Bob Dylan’s “Roll On John”.

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Persia and Rome became superpowers in their day because they had powerful armies and sophisticated bureaucracy to manage power projection over a large territory. World War II brought an end to imperialism and its worldwide destruction left just the U.S. with a functioning economy and a huge military tasked with tamping down the embers of renewed warfare in Europe and Asia. The problem is that without the financial advantage of being able to colonize and exploit beyond our borders, there isn’t much of an incentive to being a superpower any longer. As Gen. Colin Powell pointed out in his famous “Pottery Barn” analogy: “If you break it, you bought it.” Being a superpower, as we’ve seen recently in the Middle   East, and Asia, is a huge net loss of blood and treasure with only an illusion of power as the payoff. Being a superpower has lost its allure for sane countries who have spun off their colonies and focused their energies domestically rather than the losing proposition of offshore operations. There is only one superpower in the world because nobody else wants the job.

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 There are other signs you should be aware of. Google tell-tail signs of a cult. I am not saying religious people are bad, some of the most compassionate, caring and accepting (almost to the point of sainthood) people are deeply religious. They use their religion to help them be better people and do good for others. I’m just saying be careful. As regards the existence of a God: I’m not that bothered. As far as I’m concerned it’s an academic matter. If God exists, great, now be a good person.   If God doesn’t exist, great, now be a good person. The important thing is to be a good person. A Denver omelet with extra ham is made the same way as a Denver omelet, with the addition of extra ham. It is prepared that way because the person preparing it or who ordered it really likes ham. This is an interesting question that I am surprised that not many have considered. First of all, what is a superpower? I would define it as a nation that is able to project its national power beyond its borders. Historically it is linked to imperialism and usually linked to military power because that was the only means to project power before the invention of modern finance.

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 The following are signs that I have found that would make question whether a church is a cult or religion. Denial of measurable, palpable reality. Some of the explanations why the religion is right and facts are wrong are bazar. “Science is a religion” (it’s not, it’s a methodology for asking questions) “God put dinosaur bones there just to challenge our faith” (WTF) The authority of the holy book shall not be questioned. This usually extends to the ‘elders’ interpterion of Gods word should not be questioned. Initially the questions are ‘explained away’ later they frowned upon.   The church will try to distance the new converts from ‘non-believers’ this is usually a slow and subtle process. Certain groups are seen as evil and must be condemned. These groups include, but are not limited to, other religions and churches, LGBT+ people and certain ethnic groups. Innocuous language is used to ‘politely’ condemn the offending group. “it’s a lifestyle choice” “they are following a false profit” Sounds reasonable and compassionate to church member but is offensive to the relevant group. Leaving the ‘church’ is severely frowned upon.   Those that leave are disowned, either subtlety or outright shunned.

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 To start with the church was a very loving and accepting place. According as I became more involved I was pushed away from friends that were not members of the church. The church drove a wedge between my family and myself. The church were Biblical literalists, but typically only the bits that agreed with their world view. After a lot of soul-searching I left the sect and gave away my Bibles.   Needless to say I was ostracised by ‘church friends’. This made question the existence of God and my place and purpose in the world. I later found out that a church member was told to, and did disown their teenage child. How evil does one have to be to convince a parent to abandon their child? It is up their with getting someone to fly an aeroplane into a building. Don’t get me wrong not all religious groups are bad. Some are unbelievably good and inspiring. But when they’re bad they can be evil beyond belief. The trick is to look for the tell tail signs that the church may have cult like behaviour.

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 Try it you will never use anything different again. I roll it on with small foam roller, works great. Yes, we watch porn. Well, sort of. X is more likely to read or write porn than to watch it. I myself am not especially sexual. D is more drawn to visual imagery, but he’s as likely to go for art or comics as he is live video. Of us all, only the Gators are strongly drawn to video content, and their “porn” does not necessarily resemble what you are probably referring to by the use of the word. On the whole, we are a relatively low-sex-drive system, but some of us are hornier than others, and those of us who are relatively horny do enjoy erotica in various forms. Given the nature of X’s and D’s fantasies, though, they only rarely find traditional live-action video porn to be of particular interest.  Joining a religious organisation! On the face of it the intention of all religions is to make the world a better place. However many religious use their faith to deny reality and from there they deny morality. My storey: As a young man I became involved with a proselytising Christian church.