Thursday, August 5, 2021

I’m not sure if President Biden should have stuck with his original statement that Cuomo should resign if proven guilty

 I’m not sure if President Biden should have stuck with his original statement that Cuomo should resign if proven guilty (you know, that old innocent until proven guilty in a court of law thing). I did not hear Pres. BIden’s announcement today, but it is possible that he said he should step down while the case(s) go to trial. But I also think something had to be said, so if President Biden said he should resign now I can certainly live with that, as it is very apparent that something had to be said/done. It might have been nice if Cuomo had made the decision himself - as a statement that he valued New York and its citizenry.

I don’t think Biden can wave a magic wand and put property owners into bank rupture due to the “pandemic”

 As sad as this entire situation is, I don’t think Biden can wave a magic wand and put property owners into bank rupture due to the “pandemic”. It really is the spot between a rock and a hard place on both sides of this equation. At the end of this road is a hard-nosed bank or other financial institution that can only see the P&L sheet in front of their horn-rimmed glasses that says the XYZ company is behind on the payments on their apartment building that the bank holds the note on. The building owner can either give his renters a pass for another 90 days, during which time the bank will begin foreclosure proceedings or he can evict his tenants for new ones who can pay their monthly rent or go broke and move on. It’s times like these that make me happy. I'm too poor to own an apartment building somewhere this situation is in force.

It was not Joe’s idea, but nothing is any more.

 It was not Joe’s idea, but nothing is any more. But his handlers recognize what has become pretty obvious over the last year - Governor Cuomo is radioactive. Even Nancy Pelosi and Chuckles Schumer have figured it out and jumped on the bandwagon. Of course, a year ago they were all Cuomo’s biggest fans. The Luv Gov and his shameless brother teamed up on CNN daily to trash President Trump on his weakest front — COVID. We have since learned that the governor himself consigned thousands of New York seniors to premature deaths when he directed the state’s hospitals to release recovering COVID patients to nursing homes. All the sexual harassment crapola is just icing on a glow-in-the-dark cake.

Is the honeymoon with Biden over; yes.

 Is the honeymoon with Biden over; yes. I happened to see a clip of Biden during the primary. His response about “turn or the record player” was incoherent but he looked vigorous and animated. I compared that to his recent press conference. I was stunned at the difference in Biden’s physical appearance. Maybe his primary appearances were enhanced with makeup, but yesterday’s appearance had Biden looking tired, worn and frazzled. And Biden’s recent policies on fossil fuels, covid and immigration are bizarre. Biden’s dazed look makes me think a President Harris is in the offing - just a matter of time.

Sorry I am already taken by a freaking awesome husband he is my whole world mess with me shirt

 A judge might buy a legal argument that naming a child Shrek is child abuse but most would probably be cautious about such a ruling. Granted I’m not a judge or a lawyer, so I could be wrong about that. The United States as a whole actually doesn’t have any laws about naming children. That’s left to the state level, and different states have wildly varying rules. One of the more common is some variation on restricting or not allowing non-alphabetic characters, for instance: Elon Musk ran into that one in California. Arizona imposes a character limit. Many states have lists of restricted names (such as Jesus Christ, Adolf Hitler, etc). Kentucky, on the other hand, has no rules.

Personalxmas-Sunflower Proud Mom of a 2022 Senior shirt

 I have a interpretation about Jason Voorhees. Serial killers were more scary cause they weren't fictional. It may be obvious but no one I knew or know made that observation. The one character based on a serial killer that I know about is Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Based on Ed Gein. It hasn't affected me that much because I have other genres of movies like Comedy, Sci Fi, Action, Adventure, Music Videos or Concerts on DVD. Superhero movies like Batman, Spiderman, Dead Pool, Fantastic Four, X Men, etc. Legally speaking, in the United States at least, there is no barrier to your naming your children Hermione, Yelena, Cinderella, Garfield, or Shrek. Names, by themselves, cannot be copyrighted, and although names can be trademarked - and I’m sure Shrek is, since Disney invented it and used it for a ton of merchandizing - I doubt any judge would seriously buy the legal argument that people were going to begin confusing your baby, born now and presumably not green, with an adult animated ogre character first introduced in a 2001 movie.

Baseball-Unicorn I don’t regret burning my bridges I regret that some people weren’t on those bridges when I burnt them shirt

 They have illusionist powers instead; they cannot accomplish anything without stealing from humans. I don't go to gore filled web sites. Horror movies I have seen that I have on DVD haven't been played in a long while. Last Horror movie I saw was IT remake at the Movie Tavern in Suwannee, GA. That was 2017. I rented IT 2 on DVD and it was very gory compared to the original one on TV with John Ritter and Richard Thomas besides other really good actors. The profanity is excessive and that's what a reboot has to do to make it impactful. Compare the original Halloween by John Carpenter to the remake by Rob Zombie. Big difference and proves a more desensitized society we live in since the early 90s or maybe later. I can still watch one of the Horror movies I own on DVD but I rather play my Video games on PC or X Box One. Well come to think of it I have Friday the 13th on X Box One but I haven't played it in awhile.