Thursday, August 5, 2021

I don’t think Biden can wave a magic wand and put property owners into bank rupture due to the “pandemic”

 As sad as this entire situation is, I don’t think Biden can wave a magic wand and put property owners into bank rupture due to the “pandemic”. It really is the spot between a rock and a hard place on both sides of this equation. At the end of this road is a hard-nosed bank or other financial institution that can only see the P&L sheet in front of their horn-rimmed glasses that says the XYZ company is behind on the payments on their apartment building that the bank holds the note on. The building owner can either give his renters a pass for another 90 days, during which time the bank will begin foreclosure proceedings or he can evict his tenants for new ones who can pay their monthly rent or go broke and move on. It’s times like these that make me happy. I'm too poor to own an apartment building somewhere this situation is in force.

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