If I had a penny for every time over the last 2000 years some Christian has said that these are definitely the end times. Official 42 Life, the Universe & Everything Shirt. AND that the Anti-Christ has not come yet, but will at any moment. None say Nero is coming back. The Anti-Christ to come is someone else entirely. They also have no explanation as to how, if Nero was the Anti-Christ, Christianity took off after he died, nor as to why the world didn’t cease to exist while he was still alive or shortly thereafter or even 2000 years thereafter. FWIW Nero’s name does not equal 666. The 666 can only be derived by a vowel-less transliteration of a Greek version of a misspelled Latin name. And because Nero’s name wasn’t really Nero.
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Official 42 Life, the Universe & Everything.
Truth is the enemy of Trump. Official 42 Life, the Universe & Everything Shirt. Love is what is trying to stop these kids from being separated from their parents. These cannot exist for Trump to succeed. It confuses people about what love really is and it affects every relationship they have from then on. I think it’s one of the biggest deceptions the evil forces of the world have played on Mankind. “Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth”. We all know the dangers of that philosophy and yet this all-knowing God told his people to follow it? It was all meant to cause violence and division. That’s what the evil forces do. If you read the Gospels and strip away the attachments to Judaism, I think it becomes pretty clear that Jesus is talking about a different God than Yahweh. I also think people got the wrong idea about what he came to do also. This is just my own theory as far as I know.

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