Friday, July 2, 2021

Most people like or at least tolerate dogs.

 Most people like or at least tolerate dogs. It makes me wonder if you have trained yours properly. Do you pick up their poop? Do you train them not to bark constantly? Are they trained not to jump up on people? Are they aggressive, or look to be that way? Do they get along with other dogs? Do you keep them on a lead when you are out with them? Are they fenced in when they are out in the yard? And, are you strong enough to handle your dogs if things get out of hand? If they misbehave people are going to dislike your dogs, and therefore you. Be considerate and do the minimum to keep the peace. That means poop is picked up and they cannot get out of the yard and frighten people, at a minimum. If you are having real trouble getting them to behave, get some help with a trainer, or join a class. I did that with my first doberman, as she was a handful. It was free. You can find free classes because cities and towns want dogs that live in them to be well behaved. Your veterinarian can help you find someone.

Her sweet puppy named Hot-Dog visited with all the guests, enjoyed morsels fed to him, helped himself to snacks too when they weren’t looking.

 Her sweet puppy named Hot-Dog visited with all the guests, enjoyed morsels fed to him, helped himself to snacks too when they weren’t looking. As the party wore on more and more almost empty plastic glasses stood around the floor and Hot-Dog was having a grand old time making sure they got emptied. Every type of alcohol and soft drink was usually around and Hot-Dog was not picky. He enjoyed them all, and no one seemed to mind, or even notice. Once my neighbor friend invited me for coffee in the morning after a party and I noticed Hot-Dog in a corner of the sofa with a dish towel draped over his head. I asked my friend if she had put the towel on the dog? Nope, she said. He helps himself to a towel after a party. He has a hangover and the towel keeps the light out of his eyes. I give him half an aspirin too, it seems to help.

A neighbor of mine in New York City had recently been given a Miniature Dachshund puppy

 A neighbor of mine in New York City had recently been given a Miniature Dachshund puppy, it was ever so sweet and well behaved. My neighbor, a young lady my own age, had trained it to only go outside, and it was never destructive in her apartment. This young woman had lots of friends and in a tradition of the late 1960s her parties were frequent, crowded and lively. Having run out of chairs, guests made themselves comfortable on the carpet, sometimes with pillows, often without.

The key word there is “vaccinated,” friend.

 The key word there is “vaccinated,” friend. Sometimes things happen—-like when one of my dogs was a puppy and teething he would mouth and play with my fingers with his sharp puppy teeth, and accidentally draw blood but that didn’t mean he was “rabid.” A couple times playing ball with one of my over-exuberant dogs they snatched the ball out of my hands and nipped me in the process but that didn’t lead me to jump to the conclusion that he was “rabid,” and get all in hysterics. Unless your dog has been kept outdoors all day and night, unvaccinated, in an area rife with raccoons, etc who may have rabies, has been foaming at the mouth and acting withdrawn or lethargic—no he/she does not have rabies because you have a bite. Calm down.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

You also manipulate the sparse ponctuation

 Yes, your sentences have approximately the same meaning, ‘he’ entering the room at midnight, in what manner, ‘with the stealth of a cat’, or simply ‘stealthily’, or ‘with the stealth of a cat on the prowl’, a more specific form of the expression relating to the manner of entering. More effective too. You decided to emphasise the expression by successfully modifying it. You also manipulate the sparse ponctuation (,) in one sentence, which will encourage a more sophisticated way of uttering such sentences, like suspension; there is a difference between reading “He, with the stealth of a cat” and “he entered his parents’ room”, it implies a wish to dramatise the action. The final “the stealth of a cat on the prowl “ adds a further intensity to the, ‘he’, the man actually entering the room at midnight with a cat-like movements. Good!

They need Taurine which is available form quality wet cat food.

 For dogs, perhaps. For cats, there isn't. They need Taurine which is available form quality wet cat food. Depriving them of this will be a downturn in their health. It's not even a good idea to entertain this. Perhaps balance it out. For example, I feed my 3 cats tuna maybe once or twice a week as a treat, but so too do I understand that they cannot be healthy on just tuna…

All personality types own dogs.

 All personality types own dogs. The variation comes with the types of dogs people own. An extroverted personality type may be more active and more likely to have a larger dog that requires lots of exercise. For example a sporty person may be more likely to have a husky or German shepherd that can keep up on bike rides and hikes and enjoy camping in the outdoors. An introverted person who likes to be home more might opt for a smaller lap dog such as a Bichon - Frise or Yorkshire terrier for example. But sometimes people don’t do their research and end up with a dog not suited to their personality type and lifestyle.