Friday, July 2, 2021

Her sweet puppy named Hot-Dog visited with all the guests, enjoyed morsels fed to him, helped himself to snacks too when they weren’t looking.

 Her sweet puppy named Hot-Dog visited with all the guests, enjoyed morsels fed to him, helped himself to snacks too when they weren’t looking. As the party wore on more and more almost empty plastic glasses stood around the floor and Hot-Dog was having a grand old time making sure they got emptied. Every type of alcohol and soft drink was usually around and Hot-Dog was not picky. He enjoyed them all, and no one seemed to mind, or even notice. Once my neighbor friend invited me for coffee in the morning after a party and I noticed Hot-Dog in a corner of the sofa with a dish towel draped over his head. I asked my friend if she had put the towel on the dog? Nope, she said. He helps himself to a towel after a party. He has a hangover and the towel keeps the light out of his eyes. I give him half an aspirin too, it seems to help.

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