Wednesday, July 7, 2021

I recently adopted a 1 year old rescue a few weeks ago

 I recently adopted a 1 year old rescue a few weeks ago. Her crate is placed in my hallway because it’s the only room downstairs safe for her to be alone at night and it also has wood floors unlike my other rooms downstairs. She has taken a liking to my dad and growls at the rest of my family but she isn’t nasty at all. She is also untrained and skittish so she doesn’t come to us when called and wary of her surroundings. During the day she can roam the house but at night I like to close the doors and keep her in just the hallway with her crate that she sleeps in. However, we have to use a lead on her to get into the hallway because she doesn't follow us when called. We have also tried using treats and toys as a lore but she doesn’t get interested in them. Lately she has been laying down when I try to lead her from the living room to the hallway and she won’t move at all. I’m not sure if she’s scared of something or if it’s the lead that’s the problem but any advice would be appreciated! Many thanks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

That’s about all you could have done at the time.

 That’s about all you could have done at the time. Now it is too late to do anything. When I was a kid and lived out in the sticks I had a Bantam hen that was so gentle I could walk up to her and pick her up and she would make no effort to avoid me. One night my 1 year old dog got his blood up and tore that chicken to shreds. My mother took a fly swatter and chased that dog around the yard sticking a wing off that hen in his nose, yelling BAD DOG and beating him with that fly swatter. Every time he tried to escape she chased him down and did it again until she was totally exhausted. That dog never got with in sniffing distance of a chicken the rest of his life, and he lived a long and otherwise happy one.

Mayonnaise is not toxic to dogs, which means that if they eat it, they will not experience any acute illness. In fact, one could argue that mayonnaise is not dangerous to dogs.

 All Pet Magazine: “Mayonnaise is not toxic to dogs, which means that if they eat it, they will not experience any acute illness. In fact, one could argue that mayonnaise is not dangerous to dogs. However, feeding mayonnaise to dogs could lead to an excess of fat in the dog’s diet and have negative health effects in the long term.” “ While mayo isn’t toxic, it’s high in fat and is not a healthy choice to feed your dog. If you feed your dog mayo or other fatty foods on a regular basis, your dog may experience various weight gain problems including excessive strain on your dog’s heart and joints. Dogs that are overweight or obese may also develop pancreatitis or diabetes.” I went through tons of articles but only put a few here because they all said the same thing. Mayonnaise is technically not bad for dogs but like many other human foods we give our pets if given in excess can lead to problems. That reminded me of something my vet told me a long time ago, if something is bad for us then assume it’s also bad for the dog. I hope everyone finds this information helpful.

The AKC doesn’t address mayonnaise but has information on what dogs can and can’t eat

 The AKC doesn’t address mayonnaise but has information on what dogs can and can’t eat The Spruce states : “Mayonnaise contains no ingredients that are toxic to dogs. It is an emulsion of oil and egg yolks with some added acidity like vinegar or lemon juice for flavor. Some recipes may also include mustard or other seasonings. None of these pose a risk of poisoning dogs. However, mayo has a high-fat content that can cause problems for dogs if eaten in excess.” By the way, the American Humane Society has a list entitled “Foods that can be poisonous to pets.”

Of course! I got my first Belgian Sheepdog pup in 1959.

 Of course! I got my first Belgian Sheepdog pup in 1959. In those days the Koehler Method was one of the few books on dog training around. Koehler gave me the building blocks for how to train a certain exercise, but I did not follow the Koehler method, though I attended his classes. I just made training fun for both of us!! I did not use treats, just praise and having fun!! My Char’s first trial in obedience at a practice match was a 200 if I remember correctly and he usually scored 199 or thereabouts. My adopted older Belgian girl once scored a 200 in Open and her usual scores were 198 and 199! Then, with later dogs, I did use treats for motivation, but I still used the “Fun Method” for the most part. It is easier to get precision with treats or toys, but praise gets the most animation and joy from the dog.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Why did my cat stop sleeping next to me ever since I got 3 new kittens?

 Why did my cat stop sleeping next to me ever since I got 3 new kittens? I’ve had my cat for almost a year and she’d always cuddle next to me but ever since I got new kittens she’d either sleep under my bed or on her bed. You've answered your own question. She has changed her behavior because you added THREE kittens to the household. That's a ton of new kitten flesh. For whatever reason you thought going from one cat to four was a good idea. That doesn't mean your original cat will agree with you. It wasn't her idea to get 3 new roommates. Adding pets almost always means the relationship you had with your original pet will change. That's just reality. Pay attention to her, of course, but don't expect things to be the way they were when she was a solo cat.

That kitten died almost as soon as the vet got an IV into her.

 That kitten died almost as soon as the vet got an IV into her. But we were glad we had made the effort to have her treated because neither of us wanted to shoot this little kitten. I can think of other ways that you can put an animal down at home but none of the ways are gentle and loving ways. I would still, if possible, take the animal to the vet for euthanizing. If you just can’t take your hurt cat to a vet, you might want to call the vet to tell her about your situation and ask her what you can use to put the cat down at home. The vet may not lawfully or ethically give you any ways to do that so don’t be surprised if she tells you to bring the cat in, period. Good luck with this dilemma. I hope your cat makes a full recovery or at least gets euthanized in a gentle and kind way.