Wednesday, July 7, 2021

I recently adopted a 1 year old rescue a few weeks ago

 I recently adopted a 1 year old rescue a few weeks ago. Her crate is placed in my hallway because it’s the only room downstairs safe for her to be alone at night and it also has wood floors unlike my other rooms downstairs. She has taken a liking to my dad and growls at the rest of my family but she isn’t nasty at all. She is also untrained and skittish so she doesn’t come to us when called and wary of her surroundings. During the day she can roam the house but at night I like to close the doors and keep her in just the hallway with her crate that she sleeps in. However, we have to use a lead on her to get into the hallway because she doesn't follow us when called. We have also tried using treats and toys as a lore but she doesn’t get interested in them. Lately she has been laying down when I try to lead her from the living room to the hallway and she won’t move at all. I’m not sure if she’s scared of something or if it’s the lead that’s the problem but any advice would be appreciated! Many thanks.

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