Tuesday, July 6, 2021

That’s about all you could have done at the time.

 That’s about all you could have done at the time. Now it is too late to do anything. When I was a kid and lived out in the sticks I had a Bantam hen that was so gentle I could walk up to her and pick her up and she would make no effort to avoid me. One night my 1 year old dog got his blood up and tore that chicken to shreds. My mother took a fly swatter and chased that dog around the yard sticking a wing off that hen in his nose, yelling BAD DOG and beating him with that fly swatter. Every time he tried to escape she chased him down and did it again until she was totally exhausted. That dog never got with in sniffing distance of a chicken the rest of his life, and he lived a long and otherwise happy one.


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