Monday, July 12, 2021

I applaud you for looking into this. It is very rewarding.

 I applaud you for looking into this. It is very rewarding. Four of my foster cats were very feral when I got them and they are still very challenging in getting them domesticated enough for a forever home (got them at 4 months old and they are almost 2 years old now). You will find this all to be very interesting and wonderful … for both you AND the cat(s) you decide to foster.

There are MANY facilities looking for people wanting to foster

 There are MANY facilities looking for people wanting to foster, so you’ll not have much difficulty. Be prepared to do all the things that a cat owner will be doing as well … vet visits, medical care, etc. Also, find out if the facility you foster from is set up to help you if the cat gets sick or if you will have to pay out of pocket. I’m fostering seven cats and everything comes out of my pocket for their care. Realize that some cats have health issues existing and are more difficult for these facilities to find a home for, so if you do decide to foster an ailing cat, be sure to find out if you’ll get any reimbursement for their medicines, vet visits, etc. Some cats just have a behavior issue that could be rectified by your fostering. Due to overcrowding, you can foster lots of cats or kittens. The hardest part for me is saying goodbye once they get adopted. Realize, too, that you aren’t limited to fostering just one cat!

It is very easy to become a cat foster parent.

 It is very easy to become a cat foster parent. Contact your local shelters and Humane Society or any other facilities that are adopting cats out to forever homes. Just start dialing. You’ll want to set yourself up with materials in your home as well and do some prep work to your house to make the process go more smoothly (litter, litter box, bedding, ceramic/glass water and food bowls, cat food, etc.). I find that clearing out a bathroom in my house (remove all breakables and toilet paper) is one of the first steps as a place to begin introducing a foster cat to my house. I put the pet carrier (with the door wide open) in the shower stall with bedding inside. Some wand toys and other toys like small toy balls help, too, since cats and kittens love to play.

You find it offensive I find it funny that’s why i’m happier than you are shirt

Laughable coming from a chicken shit who ducked the draft four times, including one based on the lie that he had bone spurs in his heel. Yet when asked later which heel, he couldn’t remember for one reason, he was afraid of being caught in a lie since he didn’t remember which heel he originally lied about.

And Trump is the pathetic jerk who bragged on the Howard Stern radio show that he felt he had done his military service by avoiding catching a sexually transmitted disease during the Vietnam period while keeping busy frequenting NYC night clubs and bedding women.

This is the same gutless jerk who told his MAGA morons and White Supremacists on Jan 6th that he would march with them to the Capitol Building, then hid out in the White House to gleefully watch the ensuing mayhem on live TV.

Trump is the same jerk who refused to the attend the ceremony for American soldiers who died in Europe while he was in France because it was raining, as it would undue his carefully constructed comb over! And this is the same guy who wondered out loud why anyone would wish to join the armed forces and risk their lives in the service of their country, calling them suckers!

And it was Trump who threatened his eldest son Don Jr. with disinheritance when Don Jr. told Trump that he was interested in joining the military, keeping the Trump record intact while ensuring that no member of the Trump family, past or present, has ever served!

Given this and what a useless traitorous turd Trump keeps proving himself to be, does anyone with a modicum of intelligence any longer care what his moronic stooge has to say, let alone take what he says as serious?

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I’m my opinion and of some high ranking friends in the military now, and retired Colonels; Milley is PARt of the NEW WORLD ORDER and he has attended Bilderburger meetings. I myself know he attended one a few years back under in ,( Chantilly Virginia) !! I’ve seen photos of him going to the meeting! Your a Traitor Mark Milley! And definitely a member of the NWO! I’ve seen the Proof!! He was walking in with Another now Ex military man,( David betray us!!! That’s right folks sometimes the Illuminati meets right here in the USA , usually near DC, because so many attendees from the swamp don’t have far to travel!

Absolutely nothing. Certain people that the NWO types,( Illuminati, Bilderburger group) deem a threat , they will harrass, stalk, and sometimes they eliminate people that know, or get to close to their secret agenda. I know their NWO / Illuminati secret is a one world Government;and they feel that their ONLY path to a one World Government is destroying the United States as we know. They want 2 classes only. The elites and wealthy that control and rule over their servants or serfs. We must Take a stand for Truth and fight them! If you don’t stand , you will fall!!

Politics destroying relationships and family dinner since 1776 shirt

And now I am described as an artist, so obviously I made a decision that I didn't want to be a lawyer and chose not to finish the course.But I do wonder if the whole ‘returning back to education’ thing acted like a diving board, that propelled me into making the decision about what I didn't want to do for the rest of my life.

And for me, that's working in an office environment, or enclosed indoor space with others, its not something I want to do again or if I changed me mind it's not something I could do full time, for forty hours a week or more.

I prefer sawing, working outside with good company and seeing what we've achieved at the end of a day, that's something that doesn't happen when your job involves managing paperwork, the results are less tangible than those achieved by manual labour It really depends what you want to get out of going back to education.

The Nsa listening to all of your crazy conspiracy theories when nobody else will shirt

Regardless of age, how did you cope with your first child? Sore breast, sleepless nights and having a brain that is not fully developed enabling you to make good decisions for this new born you are holding. I couldn't take care of a new puppy without the help and support of my family.

Lastly, what kind of life will these two have? No high school diploma, no college and no social life. How sad.

I can't decide what is right for the girl and her mother, but the answer isn't here. It is time to contact social services and get professional help.