Monday, July 12, 2021

There are MANY facilities looking for people wanting to foster

 There are MANY facilities looking for people wanting to foster, so you’ll not have much difficulty. Be prepared to do all the things that a cat owner will be doing as well … vet visits, medical care, etc. Also, find out if the facility you foster from is set up to help you if the cat gets sick or if you will have to pay out of pocket. I’m fostering seven cats and everything comes out of my pocket for their care. Realize that some cats have health issues existing and are more difficult for these facilities to find a home for, so if you do decide to foster an ailing cat, be sure to find out if you’ll get any reimbursement for their medicines, vet visits, etc. Some cats just have a behavior issue that could be rectified by your fostering. Due to overcrowding, you can foster lots of cats or kittens. The hardest part for me is saying goodbye once they get adopted. Realize, too, that you aren’t limited to fostering just one cat!

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