Monday, July 12, 2021

You find it offensive I find it funny that’s why i’m happier than you are shirt

Laughable coming from a chicken shit who ducked the draft four times, including one based on the lie that he had bone spurs in his heel. Yet when asked later which heel, he couldn’t remember for one reason, he was afraid of being caught in a lie since he didn’t remember which heel he originally lied about.

And Trump is the pathetic jerk who bragged on the Howard Stern radio show that he felt he had done his military service by avoiding catching a sexually transmitted disease during the Vietnam period while keeping busy frequenting NYC night clubs and bedding women.

This is the same gutless jerk who told his MAGA morons and White Supremacists on Jan 6th that he would march with them to the Capitol Building, then hid out in the White House to gleefully watch the ensuing mayhem on live TV.

Trump is the same jerk who refused to the attend the ceremony for American soldiers who died in Europe while he was in France because it was raining, as it would undue his carefully constructed comb over! And this is the same guy who wondered out loud why anyone would wish to join the armed forces and risk their lives in the service of their country, calling them suckers!

And it was Trump who threatened his eldest son Don Jr. with disinheritance when Don Jr. told Trump that he was interested in joining the military, keeping the Trump record intact while ensuring that no member of the Trump family, past or present, has ever served!

Given this and what a useless traitorous turd Trump keeps proving himself to be, does anyone with a modicum of intelligence any longer care what his moronic stooge has to say, let alone take what he says as serious?

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