Friday, July 16, 2021

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That’s ‘fake news’ and extracts in the Guardian piece are a low-effort fake. Seemingly having originated from the same place as the ‘Pissgate/Steele dossier’ fake. And overall this a bullshit conspiracy theory as the mechanisms by which it could even be a ‘Putin ploy’ haven’t been discussed. Basically, we got a “Learned Elders of Zion” tier of a fake - replace “Putin” with “the Jews” and you get the similar thing.

I do doubt that anyone in the Kremlin is dumb enough to write about Trump e.g.: “(Trump) factually adheres to conservative beliefs”. We in Russia might be crazy, but we aren’t idiots. Now, of course, the other part “(Trump) is psychically unstable, impulsive, and emotionally unbalanced and suffers from an inferiority complex” is not per se factually wrong, but seems to have come out of the same place as the Pissgate/Steele dossier. Especially when followed by “especially taking into consideration certain events which took place during his stay in RF”. What events? Trump hiring hookers to piss on the bed where the Obamas slept on for one night? Conveniently, the referenced ‘certain events’ annex is missing… for the avoidance of libel/defamation lawsuits.

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Note: If it does the there is no constitutional remedy that will change the “certified outcome”, Meaning many people may be in office that are not supposed to be there including, but not limited to the current POTUS. If that is the case the Democratic Party is going to fall apart and that appears to be why there is so much push back from even the POTUS, but from all Democratic and Republican leaders that may have been complicit in this scheme.

Again that is the appearance of what is going on in contested states PA (as the President went there 7/14/2021 and gave a speech on this topic), but also Michigan, Arizona and Georgia at the moment are scrambling the Democratic party troops/lawyers in what appears to be a last ditch effort to somehow sweep this under the rug. How that is going to happen (if this is really an issue I do not know), but it appears the Democratic party is doing just that.

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I am not a “Trump lackey” however I do find it amusing that some people still can’t move on from his failed presidency. The only intelligent defense to your aerticle can be found in the last paragraph. “The Kremlin responded dismissively. Putin’s spokesman Dmitri Peskov said the idea that Russian leaders had met and agreed to support Trump in at the meeting in early 2016 was “a great pulp fiction” when contacted by the Guardian on Thursday morning.”

And here I thought you were going to point out how Trump gave Putin a huge win and an economic windfall by removing sanctions on the Russian oil deal with Europe. OH THAT’S RIGHT!!! Biden is the worthless white house puppet that did that…. So does that make you a “Biden Lackey” in nded of mustering a defense of your idiocy?

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In the dying days of President Trump’s first term of office, it is clear that the democrats pulled a similar stunt to the one they pulled in 2015 when Obama started the illegal spying on General Flynn and then followed up with the collusion with Russian disinformation agents and the disgraced British spy Steele to invent the pee pee tapes and the Russian Hoax. From day 1 the democrats focused on obstructing the President even as Obama shook his hand and welcomed him to the White House…remember Obama was already planning to send in the corrupt FBI agents Strzok and Pientka to ambush Mike Flynn as the traitor comey bragged to a live audience.

So, over the years eva pelosi and schumer planned the take down of the President and that time came when the Patriots turned up to listen to the President’s rally.
For the people screaming ‘insurrection…the President offered the national guard to eva because he knew that tens of thousands of people would turn up and with them democrat agent-provocateurs. eva knew that as well and turned the offer down.
The ass in charge of the FBI was also aware of the awaiting problem having been informed by the NYPD of information…(he denies ever hearing about it which makes him either a liar or incompetent. On second thoughts I’d say he was incompetent, which is even more dangerous for the United States.

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This is just my imagining of the event. First, I don’t think he will see God, or hear God’s voice, because, as he cannot see or hear God, now, this is not likely to change before his passing. I doubt that he believes God exists, or if he does, he imagines that God will put him in charge of Heaven, as he believes himself to be much more special and capable of running things than God.

So, if Donald Trump believes in God, he likely expects that, when he meets Him, there will be a negotiation for who will be in charge of Heaven. Let’s say that this unlikely event takes place. The blazing light that is God would reduce Fuhror Trump to dust. IF Trump could collect his soul particles, and rearrange them into a lump capable of primitive thought, such as he now possesses, he would shake his lilliputian fist at God, and begin his list of demands.

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I made a crack with my fellow students one day that maybe it would turn out that these “primitives”, called the “Tasaday”, were actually University of Manila students pulling a sophomoric prank and having a good laugh at everybody’s expense. Turned out, a few years later, that while no, this wasn’t a college prank, it was a hoax perpetrated by the Marcos government to get funding and tourism. I don’t think the t*rds at QAnon take these conspiracy theories seriously themselves but are laughing themselves silly at the damage they’ve been able to inflict on our body politic.

First, a president cannot “exonerate” - they can pardon individuals for federal crimes. Can a corporation be pardoned? Who knows! But it would seem ridiculous since an organization cannot be imprisoned. Now to your question. Trump claims that he, the stable genius, has done nothing wrong and that his company did nothing wrong - why would he pardon himself or the trump crime syndicate?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Ma’am, it's a cat, a pet, and apparently not a very good one.

 Ma’am, it's a cat, a pet, and apparently not a very good one. You are in covenant with your husband. You are also accountable and responsible to protect your child. Why is this even a question? You agreed to marry him. You willingly entered into a covenant. There are roles, responsibilities that you agreed to abide by before the cat came into your lives. Your marriage is bigger than you and you agreed that no man will put it asunder, in this case, the cat as well. I would recommend that you love and respect your husband in this matter. Your covenant between God, you, and your husband requires you to follow God’s guidance.