Friday, July 16, 2021

Unicorn i’m pretty confident my last words will be well shit that didn’t work shirt

I am not a “Trump lackey” however I do find it amusing that some people still can’t move on from his failed presidency. The only intelligent defense to your aerticle can be found in the last paragraph. “The Kremlin responded dismissively. Putin’s spokesman Dmitri Peskov said the idea that Russian leaders had met and agreed to support Trump in at the meeting in early 2016 was “a great pulp fiction” when contacted by the Guardian on Thursday morning.”

And here I thought you were going to point out how Trump gave Putin a huge win and an economic windfall by removing sanctions on the Russian oil deal with Europe. OH THAT’S RIGHT!!! Biden is the worthless white house puppet that did that…. So does that make you a “Biden Lackey” in nded of mustering a defense of your idiocy?

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