Friday, August 6, 2021

Does your dog blindly follow your orders?

 Does your dog blindly follow your orders? Does he or she seem to do just about anything it's asked to do, without first contemplating the efficiency of it? For example, try asking your dog to "sit" and observe what happens. If it sits immediately and then looks at you awaiting further instruction, this is a tell-tale sign of communist tendencies. Encourage your dog to question the command. After he or she follows your order, slap your dog on the nose and ask it why it proceeded without personal consideration. Commies hate individuality. A good pup needs to think for itself, take up activities on its own, and learn to provide food and water for itself.

Make sure your dog is getting plenty of activity.

 Make sure your dog is getting plenty of activity. If it spends an excessive amount of time lying around doing nothing, be cautioned. This is one of the strongest signs of communist behavior. Next time you see your dog lying on the floor like a furry sack of liberal, don't feed it, and don't pet it. Instead, ask it what it's doing to help out around the house. Communists do nothing, because they expect everything to be done for them. They know that if they just lie around, they will be taken care of eventually. One the simplest and most accurate ways to tell if your dog is a forein breed, is knowing where it's from. The traditions and values of your dog's native country are probably still ingrained.

Dogs and any animals are very smart and I’ve seen their great potential

 Dogs and any animals are very smart and I’ve seen their great potential. I even saw how dogs would go to the grocery and pick up the stuff for their Ill owner. The one’s I didn’t like it’s where the dog is washing his socks and shirts in some country. Dogs and any other animals are considered second class citizens and abused them tremendously. I believe my dogs get treated with the utmost care. I have seen horrible stories, experiments being done to them specially beagles, monkeys, bunnies, etc. Respect and honor your animals, like he does to you. They simply love pleasing you.

A dog is a family member and it sounds as though the dog you speak of wants to be inside with the family it apparently loves

 A dog is a family member and it sounds as though the dog you speak of wants to be inside with the family it apparently loves. Being a lifelong owner of dogs this hurts my being. Not everyone is cut out to have a dog. They are a responsibility. They have deep feelings just as humans do. They love just as humans do. If you can’t recognize this it might be better if you find the dog a loving home. It’s probably spending it’s life feeling cast out, unwanted or loved and neglected when all it wants is to be loved and part of the family. If you have no feeling for the dog you absolutely need to find it a good home. If you do have feelings for it….acknowledge the fact that it has feelings too and welcome it into the family. Bring it inside so it can be with the family it loves….or wants to love.

Walking in the shade through the forest we had to pass hot sunny meadows

 Walking in the shade through the forest we had to pass hot sunny meadows. After a couple of these she understood that if she crossed these meadows fast, she could wait for me in the shadow on the other side. She could open doors, we had to change the door knob of the front door to a round one, to prevent her from letting herself out into the street. The problem was she didn’t close doors behind her. She couldn’t swim, so I had to save her a couple of times from drowning. Next time she stops at the water side and looks up to me asking if she could go in there. With something sharp in her paw she limped. I made her lay down protesting to take it out. Next time she stops and lifts her paw for me to remove the sharp object.

They certainly have problem solving skills if you let them

 They certainly have problem solving skills if you let them. If you observe them well you see them thinking. First time with my dog, lost in a mountain village, I asked her to find my wife. She led me straight to the campsite. Since that time my dog always leaded the shortest way back from the forest or mountains. Even when the environment was not familiar to her. If I went left at a fork, and she leaded right I followed, no questions asked. She considered it her task to bring me home. We passed a ski lift and she looked down at the village 500 meters below. Next she walked back to take the ski lift down to the village. Coming from a shelter she was not used to mountains. First time going down a steep hill over a path with hairpin bends she kept looking down at every bend. Till she had thought it out and started taking shortcuts.

Sewing In the Rhythm of the needle there is music for the soul shirt

 The orders of Allah through Islam will then prosper & will be implemented in letter & spirit. An estimated age of his stay once again he is descended to earth is approx. 10 years. (Allah knows better). Jesus and the twelve had nothing for their ministry. When someone broke an alabaster jar to anoint him with costly oil the disciples were indignant over this and said that this could have been used for the poor. Jesus reminded them that the poor will always be there but Jesus would not be. Jesus came to preach first. And what He came to preach was the gospel. The gospel message tells us that one’s greatest need is met in God through the power of His Son. Jesus also said God will meet every other need as we put Him first. Man doesn't live by bread alone, but the One who created us could feed five thousand from what would have not been enough for just two men.