Friday, August 6, 2021

They certainly have problem solving skills if you let them

 They certainly have problem solving skills if you let them. If you observe them well you see them thinking. First time with my dog, lost in a mountain village, I asked her to find my wife. She led me straight to the campsite. Since that time my dog always leaded the shortest way back from the forest or mountains. Even when the environment was not familiar to her. If I went left at a fork, and she leaded right I followed, no questions asked. She considered it her task to bring me home. We passed a ski lift and she looked down at the village 500 meters below. Next she walked back to take the ski lift down to the village. Coming from a shelter she was not used to mountains. First time going down a steep hill over a path with hairpin bends she kept looking down at every bend. Till she had thought it out and started taking shortcuts.

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