Friday, August 6, 2021

A dog is a family member and it sounds as though the dog you speak of wants to be inside with the family it apparently loves

 A dog is a family member and it sounds as though the dog you speak of wants to be inside with the family it apparently loves. Being a lifelong owner of dogs this hurts my being. Not everyone is cut out to have a dog. They are a responsibility. They have deep feelings just as humans do. They love just as humans do. If you can’t recognize this it might be better if you find the dog a loving home. It’s probably spending it’s life feeling cast out, unwanted or loved and neglected when all it wants is to be loved and part of the family. If you have no feeling for the dog you absolutely need to find it a good home. If you do have feelings for it….acknowledge the fact that it has feelings too and welcome it into the family. Bring it inside so it can be with the family it loves….or wants to love.

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