Monday, August 2, 2021

I could certainly have understood if you'd written you'd rather not do medication duty in the near future.

 I could certainly have understood if you'd written you'd rather not do medication duty in the near future. But personally I don't see why an incident like what you've described should cause you to have trust issues and/or cause you to no longer want to be around the cat. It was just an accident involving bad timing. Imagine you and another adult human were doing some sort of task together. An unexpected loud noise startles the other person causing him/her to drop a heavy object on your toe. Would you decide that person was untrustworthy too? Or would you recognize it was simply an accident? If you would be willing to forgive the person but not the cat, essentially you are saying you expect cats to have more control over their behavior than adult humans do. That doesn't make much sense to me. If you wouldn't forgive the person either, I can't help but wonder if you expect to be judged so harshly by others for your own actions? Have you ever been in any sort of accident? Did you think you should be thought of as entirely at fault and never forgiven regardless of the circumstances?

Finally, you say the cat belongs to your husband and that he got her before you were married

 Finally, you say the cat belongs to your husband and that he got her before you were married. I can't help but wonder if before the noise/scratching incident you already wished your husband didn't own this cat. Are you sure you aren't working up to trying to convince him to get rid of the cat for your "peace of mind?" If that's your plan I think it's a bad one especially if it turns into a "it's me or the cat" ultimatum. I also think if that IS the plan (and perhaps it's not) it's dishonest. It's not that you are uncomfortable around the cat because of what happened. You just don't want your husband to own the cat.

Is your dog a real service dog?

 Is your dog a real service dog? An emotional support animal is generally considered a pet. A service dog has special training and performs special tasks. My husband had a guide dog for several years. He walked into a local store with Eagle one day, and the manager ordered them to leave. He showed her the license for his dog. As a blind man, and a dog in a harness, it was obvious that this was a guide dog. She still ordered him out. My husband was the police dispatcher for our county. In a short time, the sheriff and a deputy arrived. She still refused to let him come into the store with his dog. End of the story: an article in the local newspaper, the corporate president of the store flying into town with an apology, and an unemployed manager. (Although the corporate president offered to pay my husband for his inconvenience and embarrassment, my husband instead asked him to donate to the guide dog school.)

When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty thomas jefferson shirt

 Voting “against something” works better than voting “for something”. Anti-incumbency is a real thing. I hope people are not too complacent or divided, like in 2016. It will be a serious election race. Democratic party voters have a lot of division- it has the capitalist centrists and the leftist socialists. In any other country there would have been two separate parties for these two ideologies... I hope Biden goes big, and improves things on ground level- nothing festers conservatism more than economic decline. He is doing good enough, but the same was true for Obama, so we need big things. Like short term, tangible achievement- like universal healthcare, or Covid free country,.. (both unlikely due to GOP antivaxxers in power).

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 Surprisingly he knew how to fortify his grip to rule North Korea by removing those who were opposing him. At that time, many people doubt whether he was able to rule North Korea continuously. He has a clear goal for things he do. He knows North Korea needs feasible weapons to defend itself against USA. So he focus to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles and conducted several tests on them, much more frequency than his predecessors. So USA has a second thought before attacking North Korea. With the high frequency of missile testing, he managed to convince USA president to have an audience with him. Obviously he is smart. We can learn from him when we wishes to achieve goals in life, but of course not to be as ruthless as him I think people have short term memory.

Baseball-The Chicago Cubs crosswalk signature shirt

 The orange turd will be dead. Melanoma will run away with Trudeau, dumber and dumbest along with the princess will be in jail. Tiffy will take over what is left of the organization and grift because it is in her blood. Bunion will be in a mental hospital thanks all his exposure to his loving daddy. Jerkoff will run away with Kimmy. Trump isn't smart enough to be an advisor, he is a circus clown. Pompeo failed as Secretary of State, he's a jerk. Pelosi would make a great President but she is so not interested. I am not sure about Ivanka Trump but I believe Marshal Kim Jong-un has a high IQ too. He is smart and ruthless. He inherited the right to rule North Korea at a very tender age when he was not beyond 30 years.

Wechampstore-Stitch I might look like i’m doing nothing but in my head i’m quite busy shirt

 Also, I am sure that his “need to know” became more and more limited to what he needed to know right that minute during his term. The people that are responsible for classified information are very, very good at changing or hiding things and I am sure that the second Trump left office steps were taken to make what ever information he did have, obsolete. Now other countries know this. They have their own secrets after all. So they won’t even bother contact him. Well. maybe not overtly. Who knows who he is meeting with everyday. Trump. I would buy more stock in the company, let him come in and do his magic, after about 6 months to a year when the stock prices go way up, I would sell and quit my job. Hes great at taking loans, making numbers look great, and making companys look profitable before it all crumbles around you and it goes bankrupt. But he still lives well, its everyone else with the company that pays. The key is knowing when to bail out.