Monday, August 2, 2021

Wechampstore-Stitch I might look like i’m doing nothing but in my head i’m quite busy shirt

 Also, I am sure that his “need to know” became more and more limited to what he needed to know right that minute during his term. The people that are responsible for classified information are very, very good at changing or hiding things and I am sure that the second Trump left office steps were taken to make what ever information he did have, obsolete. Now other countries know this. They have their own secrets after all. So they won’t even bother contact him. Well. maybe not overtly. Who knows who he is meeting with everyday. Trump. I would buy more stock in the company, let him come in and do his magic, after about 6 months to a year when the stock prices go way up, I would sell and quit my job. Hes great at taking loans, making numbers look great, and making companys look profitable before it all crumbles around you and it goes bankrupt. But he still lives well, its everyone else with the company that pays. The key is knowing when to bail out.

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