Monday, August 2, 2021

Baseball-The Chicago Cubs crosswalk signature shirt

 The orange turd will be dead. Melanoma will run away with Trudeau, dumber and dumbest along with the princess will be in jail. Tiffy will take over what is left of the organization and grift because it is in her blood. Bunion will be in a mental hospital thanks all his exposure to his loving daddy. Jerkoff will run away with Kimmy. Trump isn't smart enough to be an advisor, he is a circus clown. Pompeo failed as Secretary of State, he's a jerk. Pelosi would make a great President but she is so not interested. I am not sure about Ivanka Trump but I believe Marshal Kim Jong-un has a high IQ too. He is smart and ruthless. He inherited the right to rule North Korea at a very tender age when he was not beyond 30 years.

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