The Goonies actually had an issue with this. F-bomb cna I sprinkle that shit like confetti shirt. The original idea for the pirate ship scene was that they’d get the actors’ genuine reaction to the pirate ship scene. This is actually a well-known technique called Enforced Method Acting on TV Tropes. The problem was that one of the kids shouted, ‘Holy shit!’ which rendered the take unusable. That’s not the scene I’d use. When Data falls down the hole and the kids think he’s dead, I’d have either Andy or Stef say, ‘Oh, fuck…’ before finding out Data’s alive.
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I genuinely loved it as an adult. The second one was kinda eh but I love Cars 3 about as much as the first. I’m 38 years and have kids, the youngest being a 3 yo boy. Farquaad is supposedly based on Michael Eisner. Apparently, Eisner and Disney screwed over Jeffrey Katzenberg in the early 90s, who later went on to create Dreamworks. There were so many sexual jokes that flew under the radar. The part where Lord Farquaad is in bed asking the mirror to show him, Fiona, again and the mirror gets a look of disgust. The Monsieur Hood’s song (I like an honest fight and a saucy little maid What he’s basically saying is he likes to get…paid). Watching it as an adult, they were pretty easy to see, so I’m wondering why my parents bought it for me. Oh for god’s sake Dorothy, you can’t be this slow. I just said that ugly witches are always bad.
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