As someone who got into a few T20 schools last cycle, Flag of the United States EMT Shirt. this seems like an excessively strict list of minimums. I had very strong stats and a lot of time doing research, but otherwise no pubs, ~40 hours total volunteer time, and well below your clinical exposure cutoff. (Not URM also). It’s definitely doable without this resume. I knew this comment was coming but somehow it always happens whenever someone gives advice about top schools lol. Note that I said it’s a general rule because of course people get in without those bare minimums!
United States POD Print On Demand T-shirt - Flag of the United States EMT Shirt:
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Your case (very strong stats with excellent research) isn’t unusual, but it’s certainly not the norm either. The Core ECs (changed the term from bare minimum) I wrote is a general rule of thumb for an applicant who will as definitely as you can say with top schools get into somewhere in the T-20. That’s not to say that it’s a list of minimums as I went on to explain in depth later in the post. They are “bare minimums,” not actual minimums, so sorry I wasn’t clear. Seconding this. If you choose not to go into residency, Stanford is not as against the idea compared to other schools but it’s still a pretty small percentage in comparison to the number that goes into residency. Also, a friend of mine ended up doing a research year (which if I’m not mistaken, is funded by Stanford too and available for everyone if so desired) as well as an MBA. A research year (esp if the school is offering it paid) is common for Stanford med students.
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From: SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember shirt.
Source: Happynew year shirt.
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