Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Loretta Lynn 60th anniversary 1960 2020 thank you for the memories signature shirt

It never stopped. The comparison to other children…mainly my cousins and their achievements. The expectation that whatever pursuit I tried I was going to be the next Sonja Henie (ice skater) or whatever…and then their disappointment in me when I failed. Although my father wasn`t a Narcissist like Her, he was forever wishing I had been born a son and been like my cousin Tim, a Rugby star. The only thing they were proud about was my looks. Even then she would find fault in my nose `it wasn`t distinguished…I didn`t have a hgh forehead (therefore a sign of lowness) my mouth was too big…etc etc…Later, at about the age of eleven when I realised they should never have married and I began to understand that at least I had some intelligence to figure things out I wanted to tell her that it was their genes that had created me therefore the fault lay with them. She wasn`t very intelligent in lots of respects…could only dish out criticism, not accept it.

Even when I had clearly lived a life beyond the more mundane in the family my mother was still continuing to thrust their insignificant successes at me right up until the very end. She never gave me credit for anything including taking care of her and giving everything up for the last eight or so years of her life to nurse her 24/7. She was an ungrateful old bitch but I loved her. Can`t odds that.

Skull girl Yes i’m a bitch but not yours shirt

My whole young life I wanted a family. To fall in love and raise children with my love and be a happy family. You know the story. I met my children’s father on the city bus and wasn’t interested but after some persuading we started seeing each other. Everything was great really, we were young and hard working and having fun just making ends meet together. I got pregnant too early on but we were excited. The abuse started then though. He’d push me, shove me and “mush” me in the face. I think too much change had happened too quickly and I just thought to myself that if I stayed good and true that everything would be ok when we had my son. How and why would you not love your own child? Well, I was wrong and he began being abusive and neglectful to our son. It was the worst time in my life and when I finally had the courage to go to the police and courts (about 2 months) I was completely discouraged and let down. They moved right into joint custody and began with supervised visits which ended and I was so nervous for my son to be alone with his father that I decided maybe if we got back together he would be safer. I’d know where he was and what they were doing and that he was ok etc.

Supernatural 2005 2020 is seasons 327 episodes carry on my wayward son shirt

So how are we to prepare? Especially as THAT DAY might very well be today or tomorrow! We are to pray fervently, to keep ourselves free from sin, and to receive the Most Holy Eucharist as often as feasible.

The important thing in doing all of this is to concentrate on God, and what He is asking you to do, and far less on yourself. Remember, there is salvation only for the truly humble. And what is humility? The truth.

Where to start? First of all by realising that you, on your own, can do little, you need God for that.

If you are not Catholic, seek out the nearest Catholic Church, show them a copy of this answer, and ask them what instructions are given at that parish for people interested in God. The program is usually called the RCIA, it should be year-round, although some parishes just run it on a school year model. But there should be someone there to help you!

National crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt

Short answer: No. He was evil, but he had (inadequate) good to balance some of it out. The others didn’t.

Feanor was a tragic figure. Morgoth, Sauron, Smaug, Ungoliant, and Shelob were not, because these others simply acted as expected. However, Feanor had potential to be the greatest Elf that ever lived, and for a while he was living up to that potential. He did not make the silmarils with the intention of causing the greatest bloodbath of all time!

Yes, he had his character flaws, but without Melkor’s quiet lies those flaws would never have amounted to much. Without Melkor murdering his father and stealing his prized creations, Feanor would not have rebelled against the Valar or killed anyone.

Unlike the others mentioned, Feanor needed “help” to be evil. Ultimately he was responsible for what he did, of course, but his biggest flaw was reacting too strongly to what Melkor/Morgoth told him or did.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

They were relentless on that male, until he finally gave in and played with them

 They were relentless on that male, until he finally gave in and played with them, and eventually became their surrogate mom, even allowing them to all pile on and suckle him. I'm not even kidding. That's when I named him Chester. Readers of a magazine published by Larry Flint, will get the reference. The whole point of it all is sometimes owning a human slave isn't enough to meet their needs. Cats, by nature, like the companionship of other cats.

Those older kits ignored the younger ones in their nest box

 Those older kits ignored the younger ones in their nest box, and when they were old enough to get around ignored them some more. Then the kits got more playful, mobile, and curious. The older kits would hiss at them when they got near. The owners found homes for 3 of the 5 older ones. The two remaining males did not like to be bothered by the kits, who attempted to approach them. One of the males would get really pissed, and swat them down with 2 or 3 good jabs so the kits would just roll into a defensive claws up, belly up and freeze position.

I've seen the queen assist her daughter give birth to her grand kittens by getting in the box with her

 I've seen the queen assist her daughter give birth to her grand kittens by getting in the box with her and putting her paw gently on the daughter's neck and chest area as the pain of birthing was upon her and she scowled in pain. This was after watching her from her perch in the rafters as the one giving birth below, ran around in circles hissing at her own rear end. (Hysterical.) She then helped momma clean herself between kittens but didn't clean the kits, just their mom. She sat with her the whole 6 hours it took her to birth them, and when they were all cleaned up and feeding on exhausted momma, she hopped back out. Off to feed her own litter of 11 week old kits.