Tuesday, July 13, 2021

I've seen the queen assist her daughter give birth to her grand kittens by getting in the box with her

 I've seen the queen assist her daughter give birth to her grand kittens by getting in the box with her and putting her paw gently on the daughter's neck and chest area as the pain of birthing was upon her and she scowled in pain. This was after watching her from her perch in the rafters as the one giving birth below, ran around in circles hissing at her own rear end. (Hysterical.) She then helped momma clean herself between kittens but didn't clean the kits, just their mom. She sat with her the whole 6 hours it took her to birth them, and when they were all cleaned up and feeding on exhausted momma, she hopped back out. Off to feed her own litter of 11 week old kits.


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