Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Skull girl Yes i’m a bitch but not yours shirt

My whole young life I wanted a family. To fall in love and raise children with my love and be a happy family. You know the story. I met my children’s father on the city bus and wasn’t interested but after some persuading we started seeing each other. Everything was great really, we were young and hard working and having fun just making ends meet together. I got pregnant too early on but we were excited. The abuse started then though. He’d push me, shove me and “mush” me in the face. I think too much change had happened too quickly and I just thought to myself that if I stayed good and true that everything would be ok when we had my son. How and why would you not love your own child? Well, I was wrong and he began being abusive and neglectful to our son. It was the worst time in my life and when I finally had the courage to go to the police and courts (about 2 months) I was completely discouraged and let down. They moved right into joint custody and began with supervised visits which ended and I was so nervous for my son to be alone with his father that I decided maybe if we got back together he would be safer. I’d know where he was and what they were doing and that he was ok etc.

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