Thursday, August 12, 2021

Coleman and the children had checked into a Rosarito hotel on Saturday

 Coleman and the children had checked into a Rosarito hotel on Saturday, but video footage showed them leaving before dawn on Monday, Mexican authorities said. The man returned alone later that morning and then left the hotel for good, authorities said. An iPhone-finding application placed Coleman's phone in Rosarito on Sunday, and on Monday it was traced to an area of Mexico near the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, according to the affidavit. Coleman was detained at the border checkpoint, where during an interview with an FBI agent "he explained that he was enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories and was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife, A.C., possessed serpent DNA and had passed it on to his children," according to the affidavit.

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 Eventually try all the animals together. Keep repeating these steps until all the animals are socialized & can get along. Feed each animal out of his own bowl & have more than one water bowls in different locations so there is less of a chance to get territorial over food. Some animals you may need to feed in a separate room or time bc they might eat their food then try to eat the other animals’ food. Make sure each animal has a separate bed box with a pillow or pet bed where they can go to feel safe & like it is their territory. For small dogs & cats you may want to put their pet bed cushion in a large plastic tub with a hole cut in the side just big enough for them to go in & out. This may keep larger cats or dogs from picking on the smaller animals or taking over their beds. You may want to split the animals in different rooms when you are not home to cut down on rivalry. Even animals raised together & from the same litter can get jealous or territorial sometimes. For dogs make sure you either have a fenced in yard or walk them twice or more every day so they get their exercise needs met.

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 Take the most gentle & laid back two animals first & sit down with them with toys & treats. Every day do this & talk to & play with both of them & give them lots of attention, praise & treats. If they act aggressive or growl or hiss then separate them. Maybe put one of them in a cage or carrier in the same room as the other animal. Still talk & play with them & give them treats. Eventually try having them both out in the same room with you not in a cage or carrier again. You have to be very patient. Some animals get very jealous. Do not leave them alone in the same room until you are certain they are getting along well. Once they are “friends “ you can take a different animal you need to socialize in to the family & pick one of the animals you have been working with & repeat the same actions with one of the animals you have been working with & the new guy. Take both the animals you have been working with & spend time separately with one of them & the new guy plus don’t forget to put the original two animals back together with you part of each day.

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 The exception to the cows’ milk is plain, unflavored, active probiotic yogurt bc the probiotic bacteria pre-digest the cow milk proteins so they are able to be digested. Even after getting on solid or semi-solid food kittens should eat every 4 hours or so bc they are growing & need more calories than adult cats. I usually feed canned food 3-4 time a day & leave dry food, water and/or broth out between times after kittens get to be 4 weeks old or so. I still give kmr until they are 3-4 months old either in their food or separately in a pet nursing bottle after they eat their solid food. If he cries all the time bc he is teething you can get benedryl liquid for children & rub it on his gums after he eats. Since it numbs his gums & tongue he will bite his tongue if you put it on first before he eats. Do not use oragel ointment for teething pain in kittens bc one of the ingredients causes red blood cells to explode & so it is toxic for cats.  the easiest way is to get them when thethey are all still babies & raise them together so they start out thinking of themselves as “family”. You can introduce adult animals slowly to each other at first letting them get accustomed to each other’s scent & sight.

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 You can leave broth or broth mixed with water out to tempt him to drink as he gets older. Cats are carnivores & should eat almost 100% meat. Food should be a high protein, low ingredients (very little or no vegetables or fruits added bc cats can only digest a very few of these bc they don’t have the enzymes to digest them), no grains (cats can’t digest grains: wheat, oatmeal, barley, rice, millet, rye, corn, etc), high quality cat food with muscle meat protein (poultry, beef, lamb, goat, fish and organ meats as the first ingredient (not meat meals like chicken or turkey meal bc these are meat byproducts not muscle meats or organ meats). Taurine should be added to both canned & dry foods as a listed ingredient. Taurine helps to digest meat proteins. Canned food has more moisture in it so it is better but dry food is ok once the kitten is older if it is the same high protein ingredients as the canned food. Eggs included are good meat protein also. No cows’ milk bc they can’t digest it. Goat milk is ok.

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 You can put a very low, small litter pan (used rectangular, plastic chinese food containers work well & can be thrown away) in the carrier or near the carrier if you have a small, enclosed, safe space or room like a bathroom where the carrier can be left open once the kitten is 3-4 weeks old. Start leaving a low, clean bowl of water out at about this age also. You don’t want the water to be more than half an inch deep in case the kitten crawls into the water bowl. When you want to start giving them solid food you can get canned, pate or smooth blended not chunky cat food & mix a spoonful of pureed gerber baby meat in with a spoonful of the canned cat food. You can add a little kmr formula or the chicken broth to add a little more liquid. Don’t make it really soupy or the kitten will try to drown himself by sticking his whole face in it & trying to breathe it in or suck it up like with a bottle, just make it smoother and wetter like a wet paste. Water & fluids are very important to cats especially kittens & most cats do not take in enough water.

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 Don’t let them chew on the nipples when they are teething bc they can bite the nipple off & choke on the nipple or the flood of milk. It isn’t a bad idea to buy a pack of extra nipples bc they always seem to bite off some nipples or chew bigger holes in them no matter how i try to not let them chew on the nipples. Any time if they choke stop feeding them immediately & see if they can cough or sneeze it out on their own. If the kitten is in obvious respiratory distress & can’t breathe you have to do a kitten version of the heimlich maneuver: take your first finger & your thumb put one underneath the rib cage on each side & press in gently but in a short, quick inwards & upwards motion while holding the kitten belly down on your hand. This is pressing the lungs in & forcing air out of their lungs like a cough or sneeze would. Hopefully this will force out any fluids also. You can also hold them with their head down if possible to let gravity help get the fluids out of the sinuses or lungs. You may want to test any formula or food you feed the kitten on the inside of your wrist to be sure you won’t burn the kitten.