Thursday, August 12, 2021

Teerocknroll-Tell Them You Love Them Pullover Hoodie

 Don’t let them chew on the nipples when they are teething bc they can bite the nipple off & choke on the nipple or the flood of milk. It isn’t a bad idea to buy a pack of extra nipples bc they always seem to bite off some nipples or chew bigger holes in them no matter how i try to not let them chew on the nipples. Any time if they choke stop feeding them immediately & see if they can cough or sneeze it out on their own. If the kitten is in obvious respiratory distress & can’t breathe you have to do a kitten version of the heimlich maneuver: take your first finger & your thumb put one underneath the rib cage on each side & press in gently but in a short, quick inwards & upwards motion while holding the kitten belly down on your hand. This is pressing the lungs in & forcing air out of their lungs like a cough or sneeze would. Hopefully this will force out any fluids also. You can also hold them with their head down if possible to let gravity help get the fluids out of the sinuses or lungs. You may want to test any formula or food you feed the kitten on the inside of your wrist to be sure you won’t burn the kitten.

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