Thursday, August 12, 2021

Wechampstore-Sublimation Transfer, Messy Bun, Banker Life, #bankerlife, Bank Life, teller squad, bank squad, money man

 You can put a very low, small litter pan (used rectangular, plastic chinese food containers work well & can be thrown away) in the carrier or near the carrier if you have a small, enclosed, safe space or room like a bathroom where the carrier can be left open once the kitten is 3-4 weeks old. Start leaving a low, clean bowl of water out at about this age also. You don’t want the water to be more than half an inch deep in case the kitten crawls into the water bowl. When you want to start giving them solid food you can get canned, pate or smooth blended not chunky cat food & mix a spoonful of pureed gerber baby meat in with a spoonful of the canned cat food. You can add a little kmr formula or the chicken broth to add a little more liquid. Don’t make it really soupy or the kitten will try to drown himself by sticking his whole face in it & trying to breathe it in or suck it up like with a bottle, just make it smoother and wetter like a wet paste. Water & fluids are very important to cats especially kittens & most cats do not take in enough water.

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