Thursday, August 12, 2021

Turtle heart of an active person soul of a positive thinker body sticks with fibromyalgia shirt

 Eventually try all the animals together. Keep repeating these steps until all the animals are socialized & can get along. Feed each animal out of his own bowl & have more than one water bowls in different locations so there is less of a chance to get territorial over food. Some animals you may need to feed in a separate room or time bc they might eat their food then try to eat the other animals’ food. Make sure each animal has a separate bed box with a pillow or pet bed where they can go to feel safe & like it is their territory. For small dogs & cats you may want to put their pet bed cushion in a large plastic tub with a hole cut in the side just big enough for them to go in & out. This may keep larger cats or dogs from picking on the smaller animals or taking over their beds. You may want to split the animals in different rooms when you are not home to cut down on rivalry. Even animals raised together & from the same litter can get jealous or territorial sometimes. For dogs make sure you either have a fenced in yard or walk them twice or more every day so they get their exercise needs met.

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