These problems aren’t actually caused by humans breeding. Womanism shirt. They are caused by greed, waste, and selfishness. The population is only a problem if humans refuse to stop being greedy, wasteful and selfish. You could argue that we should stop breeding and fix these flaws but then if we stop breeding one generation will be significantly less than the other and there won’t be enough young workers to support the aging generation before it. Say that wasn’t an issue. The human race needs to breed to continue our species. There MUST be babies. No question about that. So who gets to say who can breed and who cant? Human beings do what they want. People arent going to say you know what yeah I agree. I won’t have any babies. How would you enforce that? Sterilization randomly at birth? You try to prevent one thing and cause another. It’d is nice if we could come together as a species and decide to not be greedy, wasteful or selfish. That’d solve our problems right there. I doubt we would though cuz you know, we are human.
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