Thursday, August 5, 2021

A third breed which might work for your family is the standard poodle.

 A third breed which might work for your family is the standard poodle. These dogs are a bit more standoffish, but love their family. They are very bright, easily trainable and close in size to the retrievers above. If your family is quite young I would recommend a golden retriever. They make good nannies with little ones, able to gentle themselves appropriately to the really young but great playmates as they get older. The labradors are a bit more rambunctious, Great for a house of young boys to run around with. Whichever breed you choose, sign up for obedience classes and make your dog part of your family. Family dogs were meant to be with the family, not living out in the yard. Pets can teach children so much about responsibility, empathy and kindness as well as being one of their best friends. I am so thankful that my childhood included several wonderful dogs and cats. They helped me through loneliness, depression and constant moves.

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