Friday, August 6, 2021

Personalxmas-Move over girls let this old lady show you how to be a CNA vintage shirt

 He blended in with the crowd, he didn’t come from a Super Alien race and landed on Earth. He was put in Mary womb and was born in a Stable. Jesus having the power to do anything followed Gods will and did what his Father asked of him. Superman fought and saved lives. I just don’t see how they relate (Do not turn this into a religious debate of Jesus existence or not) Prophet Eesa (Jesus) (May peace be upon him), a Messenger from Allah Almighty (The only one God) was approx 33 years old (only Allah knows the exact age) when he was picked up by Allah Almighty towards Skies. He will be sent back to earth approx. 42 years (Allah knows the true time frame) before the day of judgement to eradicate the miscreants from the earth & to set peace.

Baseball-I would push you in front of zombies to save mt cat shirt

 It was told for many years among Jesus’s followers that was the place of His tomb. It may also have been a pagan temple. Hadrian may have also co-opted the supposedly sacred site for his own purposes. Why the history of some of Earth’s places is so fascinating—layer upon layer of events occurred in the same place over time. As A Catholic, No way. I don’t see how he relates to Jesus in any way. Jesus had powers beyond Superman and did it for good, but did it humbly. Jesus would never fight, when he died on the cross he didn’t fight he did his Fathers will. Superman would have bashed the Romans. Yes Superman stands for Justice and he supposed to be a good figure, but there no way he relates to Jesus in any way Jesus didn’t pose.

Wechampstore-I match energy so go ahead and decide how we gon’ act shirt

 Every baby that dies of SIDS, every cancer patient, every deadly deformity and disease we have to endure until god comes down in human form and sacrifices himself to himself so that there can be a loophole to a system he set up. I haven’t even mentioned hell, which is the worst idea any human could have. God’s like a person who kidnaps you and chains you to the floor ala Jigsaw in the Saw movies with a rusty saw. Then he douses you in gasoline and threatens to burn you if you don’t praise him lavishly enough for the great “mercy” of giving you a means to escape by sawing your own foot off. A cosmic psychopath. I think the Holy Sepulcher was placed where it is because of the oral tradition people used to maintain the communal memory for identifying what were and where sacred places existed long before there was the written word.

Teerocknroll-You will learn what it means to insult house dimitrescu shirt

 God apparently thinks this way, keep in mind the christian god is completely unrestricted - every aspect of this system is entirely based on his whims. He could have just forgiven us and been done with it. The whole thing was a set up anyway, especially if you include omniscience… but no. So, now because two creatures who were as innocent and ignorant as children, who couldn’t tell right from wrong, ate from some magic tree that god placed in their vicinity for no other reason than to make it forbidden. Because they listened to the magic talking snake with arms and legs and ate from the magical tree now god has cursed everyone to die and suffer.

Birthdayshirtsidea-Sewing In the Rhythm of the needle there is music for the soul shirt

 Why demand groveling praise, let alone that you kill something or someone to please him? Wouldn’t humans be akin to ants to this eternal, all-powerful being? What would you think of me if I stood over an anthill and demanded praise from them or else I would burn the ants with fire? The whole premise is built not only on the idea that god needs things to be killed, like sheep or Jesus the metaphorical lamb, to be appeased but also on the concept of generational guilt. That the first humans did a bad thing and so every human after them are all condemned. Most of us consider that unjust and silly in every other context. If your great grandfather murdered someone we don’t throw you in jail.

Podxmas-I’m a little smart ass short and stout here is my finger here is my mouth when I get all worked up I will shout piss me off and i’ll cuss you out shirt

 If you were blind there would be no sin in that.. but we see you say… and your sin remains” In other contexts, blasphemy means to give some sort of insult to God, and while sinful it refers to something different when used in that manner and like all sins if acknowledged and repented it is forgivable. This is true whether the insult is directed against the entire Triune God Head or a specific person.. including the Holy Spirit. I don’t know why anyone would believe it honestly. It’s such a bizarre, convoluted plan. Why believe that a god would require “sacrifices”, what would an omnipotent being want from his creation? Wouldn’t he be complete and whole already?

Thursday, August 5, 2021

A third breed which might work for your family is the standard poodle.

 A third breed which might work for your family is the standard poodle. These dogs are a bit more standoffish, but love their family. They are very bright, easily trainable and close in size to the retrievers above. If your family is quite young I would recommend a golden retriever. They make good nannies with little ones, able to gentle themselves appropriately to the really young but great playmates as they get older. The labradors are a bit more rambunctious, Great for a house of young boys to run around with. Whichever breed you choose, sign up for obedience classes and make your dog part of your family. Family dogs were meant to be with the family, not living out in the yard. Pets can teach children so much about responsibility, empathy and kindness as well as being one of their best friends. I am so thankful that my childhood included several wonderful dogs and cats. They helped me through loneliness, depression and constant moves.