Friday, August 6, 2021

Personalxmas-Move over girls let this old lady show you how to be a CNA vintage shirt

 He blended in with the crowd, he didn’t come from a Super Alien race and landed on Earth. He was put in Mary womb and was born in a Stable. Jesus having the power to do anything followed Gods will and did what his Father asked of him. Superman fought and saved lives. I just don’t see how they relate (Do not turn this into a religious debate of Jesus existence or not) Prophet Eesa (Jesus) (May peace be upon him), a Messenger from Allah Almighty (The only one God) was approx 33 years old (only Allah knows the exact age) when he was picked up by Allah Almighty towards Skies. He will be sent back to earth approx. 42 years (Allah knows the true time frame) before the day of judgement to eradicate the miscreants from the earth & to set peace.

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