Friday, August 6, 2021

Baseball-I would push you in front of zombies to save mt cat shirt

 It was told for many years among Jesus’s followers that was the place of His tomb. It may also have been a pagan temple. Hadrian may have also co-opted the supposedly sacred site for his own purposes. Why the history of some of Earth’s places is so fascinating—layer upon layer of events occurred in the same place over time. As A Catholic, No way. I don’t see how he relates to Jesus in any way. Jesus had powers beyond Superman and did it for good, but did it humbly. Jesus would never fight, when he died on the cross he didn’t fight he did his Fathers will. Superman would have bashed the Romans. Yes Superman stands for Justice and he supposed to be a good figure, but there no way he relates to Jesus in any way Jesus didn’t pose.

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