Friday, August 6, 2021

Wechampstore-I match energy so go ahead and decide how we gon’ act shirt

 Every baby that dies of SIDS, every cancer patient, every deadly deformity and disease we have to endure until god comes down in human form and sacrifices himself to himself so that there can be a loophole to a system he set up. I haven’t even mentioned hell, which is the worst idea any human could have. God’s like a person who kidnaps you and chains you to the floor ala Jigsaw in the Saw movies with a rusty saw. Then he douses you in gasoline and threatens to burn you if you don’t praise him lavishly enough for the great “mercy” of giving you a means to escape by sawing your own foot off. A cosmic psychopath. I think the Holy Sepulcher was placed where it is because of the oral tradition people used to maintain the communal memory for identifying what were and where sacred places existed long before there was the written word.

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