Tuesday, August 3, 2021

A female cat can be dominant over a male cat.

 A female cat can be dominant over a male cat. I’ve seen it many times both in my pets and in stray colonies that my husband and I care for. We have some cats living outside on our property. There are two males, a mother and two kittens. We are trying to capture one male and the female to neuter them at this time. The other male had been neutered and had a clipped ear tip that vets often give stray cats who they neuter so they are not trapped twice. Perhaps because the mother still had two kittens, she is very aggressive - especially with the neutered male. They have to be fed separately because she runs after him and hits him. He doesn’t harm the kittens. The kittens sometimes go over to him to share the food. She has become the cat in charge of the yard. No doubt about it. Females of many species are very protective of their young and often the most aggressive.


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