Thursday, August 5, 2021

Birthdayshirtsidea-She is strong fierce brave full of fire dispatcherlife shirt

 Several years after all this, kids wind up going to different middle schools and high schools and drift apart. Still friends, but not as tight. I am coming home with family from somewhere near halloween, Son in high school, and he tells me that he borrowed a costume from his old friend and it was to be on the front porch when we get home. My son was very disappointed when we got home and there was no costume on the porch, as he had planned to use it at a party he was going to. The nice surprise was when we walk into the house, and the costume was on the dining room table. Seems his birthday had not changed, and he still had access to the house when he needed it. (We spoke afterwards, and that young man told me how comforting it was for him to know that he and his sister were always welcome, and could find safety in my home..) The bunny represents HOW SILLY AND HOW NONSENSE GETS THE HALLOWEEN DAY without any halloweeny demon really being present. The cult dialogue between Donnie and it in the theater was remarkable

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