Monday, August 9, 2021

I think a dog will remember their passed away owner for as long as the dog lives

 I think a dog will remember their passed away owner for as long as the dog lives. My uncle had a dog that I did not see for 15 years because the dog was about 150 miles from me and I had gotten busy with high school and college. This uncle did come to see my family and me but the dog stayed home. When I went back to see my uncle, the dog came to me immediately walking around me, happy to see me. The dog was old but it definitely told me that he remembered me. He was part Belgian sheepdog and lived to be about 27 years old. When I was young Bruno liked leftover pancakes for breakfast. He waited on his rug in the corner and when my aunt would give my sister and I the leftover pancakes, we would give the three or four leftover pancakes to Bruno. When he would finish one, we would say “Shake for thank you” and Bruno would lift us his paw so we could shake his hand. The last years of his life he laid in the corner of the dining room by the heat.If a dog can remember me from childhood to being a young adult, I think that a dog will always remember his passed away owner.

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